Message from @Mozalbete ⳩

Discord ID: 664438074939277322

2020-01-08 09:30:24 UTC  

Why God didn't make planet Earth edable? it would be so awesome

2020-01-08 11:18:31 UTC  


2020-01-08 11:48:58 UTC  

You want to know the coldest take I've seen so far in 2020?

2020-01-08 11:50:17 UTC  

My friend supports the nuking of the Holy Land because he would rather see it decimated than owned by the Jews.

2020-01-08 11:52:48 UTC  

I mean, why not

2020-01-08 11:52:56 UTC  

It's like a big scale destruction of the temple

2020-01-08 11:53:08 UTC  

Of course, with many more deaths involved

2020-01-08 11:53:20 UTC  

The jews are already doing their best to grab as much christian-owned land as they can by any means necessary

2020-01-08 11:54:04 UTC  

And all the relics and holy sites are transient. We aren't pagans so ultimately they have no real meaning to us

2020-01-08 11:54:20 UTC  

Might be a bit of a doomer take

2020-01-08 11:56:01 UTC  

More than a doomer take, it's utterly absurd.

2020-01-08 11:56:13 UTC  

The pilgrims would save up their life savings just to risk their life to walk thousands of miles to visit the Holy Land, even under Muslim occupation.

2020-01-08 11:56:41 UTC  

You're missing the point.

2020-01-08 11:57:04 UTC  

The holy sites and relics themselves have no power

2020-01-08 11:57:14 UTC  

Only through God's will.

2020-01-08 11:57:49 UTC  

Actually. More of a prot take lol

2020-01-08 11:58:36 UTC  

Either way, i take muslim occupation over Jewish. At least levantine arabs dont spit on christians

2020-01-08 11:58:42 UTC  

It's a Susan take.

2020-01-08 11:59:16 UTC  

Might as well keep on building those glass monstrosities for churches if the holy sites have no power in and of themselves.

2020-01-08 11:59:18 UTC  

We are aware of how much the Holy Land represents and how much value it ahs for us

2020-01-08 11:59:41 UTC  

The problem is the disgust towards what jews do is more or less at the same level

2020-01-08 12:00:03 UTC  

Count me in the disgusted camp

2020-01-08 12:00:45 UTC  

Disgust is one thing, but blowing up the holiest places on Earth is essentially a militaristic autistic screech.

2020-01-08 12:01:36 UTC  

It's like putting down an animal out of pity

2020-01-08 12:02:19 UTC  

If Israel is revealed to be the antichrist then there is no other option

2020-01-08 12:03:54 UTC  

But personally I wouldn't press the button yet

2020-01-08 12:03:56 UTC  

A suffering animal is a pretty pathetic way of seeing the holiest sites on Earth.

2020-01-08 12:04:24 UTC  

The thing is, the holier they are, the more the abuse hurts

2020-01-08 12:05:17 UTC  

Don't understimate what the jews can do to those places

2020-01-08 12:05:33 UTC  

Hell, if Israel is the antichrist, i will peraonally volunteer to ride a nuke there like Slim Pickens

2020-01-08 12:05:46 UTC  

They will spit on them, desecrate them, then use them as sign of their victory over the goyim and Christ

2020-01-08 12:06:43 UTC  

They would build a brothel in Christ's house probably named after Mary if they could

2020-01-08 12:07:00 UTC  

Then hail it as a sign of the great democracy and progress

2020-01-08 12:07:09 UTC  

Of course anyone opposing them would be an evil anti-semite

2020-01-08 12:07:44 UTC  

Magic isn't real, the power of objects is in the piety and faith they inspire. God will restore all things in the new Earth, the holy land is already lost. A glassing would not be the worst thing. Not to say it wouldn't be miserably painful.

2020-01-08 12:07:44 UTC  

Would it be better to destroy the Eucharist than let the Jew or Satanist desecrate it?

2020-01-08 12:08:06 UTC  

There's the prot take, I guess.

2020-01-08 12:08:46 UTC  

Prots can be right sometimes

2020-01-08 12:09:17 UTC  

Relics and buildings aren't the same as the Eucharist either, God doesn't indwell in buildings and bones

2020-01-08 12:09:43 UTC  

The ark of the covenant was the one exception and that's long gone

2020-01-08 12:12:43 UTC  

But even still, better the faithful destroy the Eucharist respectfully in the face of a forcible mass desecration than to sit and watch the desecration they could have averted occur. All things of this earth are temporary placeholders. What is real is Christ, and no weapon or scheme of man can harm Him.