Message from @Liberal Degenerate
Discord ID: 276961505562460160
Why not just use your fists?
Sorry won't do that again.
why did i lose a fuckload of ppi on such an easy pic
@Liberal Degenerate because we fight fires, not people #standuptothecucks
>tfw rw saftey squads aren't a thing anymore
those were good times
can someone ban this faggot already
how does he know?
kip isnt redpilled btw @Liberal Degenerate
I still safety squad around town
@Liberal Degenerate you're certainly living up to your name
he dated shaniqua and miscegenated his white aryan seed
I say let him talk
i'm a real good boy
yeah, we can just join voice chat
and ignore the text chat
eh just ignore the cuck
I like how you guys keep calling liberals cuck when cuck porn all ways has a conservative guy watching his wife get fucked.
Got the local gay club fined and shut down for a couple weeks so they could put in a sprinkler system
by the way who is fucking admin?
this is me irl
unionfags aren't conservative anon
Who is fucking admin, that's pretty gay.
now those are some arts
Das pretty good mayne
is this the other chat
where am i
Everything is topsy turvy.
nah he totally voted for Aleppo man
@☭ slimeball supreme ☭ yeah you came in at a bad time. This lib guy is projecting his cuck fetish on us good goys.
oh boy