Message from @Hadrian
Discord ID: 364212793781649409
Gas the Xenos space war now!
Real talk though, 40k is Fash as fuck
only hating the foreign and being religious fanatics can save us
I've never played it
Most of my vidya is EU4
Only the God Emperor (Jesus) can save us from the Xenos (Jewish) sourge.
Well, Jews are more like Chaos
Also @MatthewHeimbach while you're here, does TWP have any operations in Canada or have any groups there that you endorse? My comrade who got beaten up by antifa yesterday wanted me to ask, he wants to get more involved
Canada is a tough cookie
i know plenty of Canadians, but no specific group per se
I figure being a legal political party, there's probably some restriction on foreigners in TWP
didnt they add a anti-freespeech law ti the books recently
there was a non-binding resolution
i mean if they wanted to start an affiliate sorta thing
^that was him
he also askked about joining this server, I said I'd ask
add him, feel free, if he's NS, in Cananda, and supports us
didn't want to without permission
feel free, ur responsible for them is all
Same here.
^this is my comrade
It's a pleasure and a great honor to meet you all.
I have a comrade here in Vegas as well. I will send an invite.
The pleasure is mine. I'm very excited to be here, you folks are the stuff of legend
Mr. Heimbach, it's a great pleasure to be in your company. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the work you do.
Hail Victory comrade!
Sieg Heil!
Are there any Canadian branches of the TWP? Or anybody affiliated?
I've been in contact with Mr. Goudreau of the Canadian Nationalist Front, if that's of any note
Second comrade incoming
What's up
and no, not yet, but!
If someone wanted to start the Canadian Worker Party, that followed our 25 Points, we could def help with propaganda etc