Message from @KageTensai
Discord ID: 459931370727145494
they are
unless you buy some $12 dlc or some shit
Aldmeri Dominion. Altmer (High Elf) Bosmer (Wood Elf) Khajiit.
Daggerfall Covenant. Breton. Orismer (Orc) Redguard.
Ebonheart Pact. Argonian. Dunmer (Dark Elf) Nord.
Imperial (if you have Imperial Edition) is any alliance, and if you get the any race any alliance expansion you're not limited by faction
well alright
What race/alliance is the squad
ebonheart pact
i think the majority are EP
but it doesnt matter too much
only matters in faction PVP
Nord for the strong men, Dunmer for the racists, Argonians for the slaves
so can still do dungeons and party across faction?
we've got some Daggerfall Covenant afaik because of Orcs but whatever
and yea
cross faction play is common
the only time you're restricted by faction is in Cyrodiil PVP
ok cool, well i'm levelling a healer but just f2p grinding until i decide if i'm really playing it. @27 right now
will volunteer for guild's based token redguard
give link to twitch stream
ya i need that
i won't join since mic is shit
it picks up every single noise in the neighborhood
wait u can achieve CHIM in ESO
so theres no way the game is canon
No you cant lol
That's just the meditate spell
either way it's not like having CHIM makes the game non-canon, it's highly implied that the Nerevarine (Morrowind hero) achieved CHIM because the ability to save and reload old saves is a canon ability in the game
yeah so did talos
im just saying there no way that many people achieve chim
isnt everyone like “the chosen one” as well
and it doesnt matter what they do with the game, theyll say its cannon because theyll get more money from nerds that way