Message from @Hadrian
Discord ID: 371085136814538764
exactly. everything we do on the micro and macro level should be flash style. no announcement unless its for a huge rally like Cville.
on that skinhead thing is fake as shit
No one fucking dresses like that, nor does anyone own a shirt that ugly, or use fucking old boomer braces.
Exactly, when someone dresses like a cartoon character you know it's a fed or an actor.
I thought Bangor was cancelled
Bangor was cancelled for a brief time, but it was brought back and executed.
Oh I didn't know that
executed with full success
Damn I didn't hear about it
They took the park, wasted tens of thousands of city dollars, spoke, flash mobbed Bar Harbor, and received television and social media. I'll post some links in a second.
Hmmm none of it looks like a TWP thing at all
I think that guy could be a legit old skin. Someone said he was legitimate at Cville.
I mean yeah he needs a lesson on style.
It was not an official TWP event.
But the befriending nonwhites is kinda totally white. We aren't naturally just shit heads to others. If they extend respect we can come to an understanding but that doesn't imply coexisting in one nation.
Two last Bangor posts and then Im done, promise
I just want them to do it somewhere else
Africa is a bountiful continent that they can turn into their own Kang Paradise
Haitian mud cookies and malt liquor for everyone
Damn.. 😢
From one person who allegedly had met one of the guys that got arrested:
Me and a few friends were waiting for a Confederate monument to be pulled down, just standing off a ways and not bothering anyone. They came up and started saying we hate white people, etc. Freaked out when I took off my ball cap and they saw my kippah (yarmulke). Kinda funny. Good thing the cops were quickly on hand though.
Why did you have a head condom?
Wasn't me, just a comment I saw on Reddit
I go to /r/politics when I want to trigger myself
Why did I just watch Harry Potter?
Same reason I went to Reddit?
What is a kippa?
A yarmulke
Jew shit?
The Jew hat
Yes the head nipple.
Yes that
I’m a Southerner. We speak a different language.
I wish I was born a Southerner