Message from @Tedium
Discord ID: 305140302887387137
That kid pulled that punch on her. She should've looked like our boy backstreet. She even held the wrong side of her face after being slugged. She don't know, Lol.
Lol. 😂
So what's the deal with the tradworker site?
I joined and it's like I don't have access to anything still
You should get a package in the mail. Where are you from?
I live in Vegas.
What package?
That wasn't in the brochure.
I just got a bunch of Trad Worker stuff alongside a "Membership Manual".
I signed up back in February.
Anyone planning on getting a hotel, I'd suggest booking it now. Antifa have been told to book as many as they can so there won't be much space.
Parrot please tell Matt to book our hotel if he hasn't yet, I told him to go ahead last week so I wanna make sure we can reserve it and he may have forgotten.
Matts not camping?
I can hear that call at midnight now; help! we're under attack at the hotel, lol.
Is that a jinx? Me doing this?
Naw. They're not going to get many out there I bet.
Maybe not in pikesville
44 dollar a night hotel
I'm sold
I manage a hotel. Just watch out for bedbugs at that rate
Aight, thanks will do
Lol. Tried tracking Anti-FAg's IPs and got disabled 😂
Oh well.
Where'd you get ips?
Matt's camping.
I use a IP logger.
@katherine Itinerary plans in private message only. I'll ask him about it tonight.
Then I shorten the link some more.
Then I send it out and it logs whoever clicks on the link.
I might do. About to leave work though
Then I'm free for the weekend!
Awesome. Ill be working this weekend though only night shifts.
And even then I have tons of time there.
If anyone wants a couch or some shit to sleep on I got a room
So I didn't see the answer to this but can we bring our guns?