Message from @DavidTheSlumpGod

Discord ID: 500717149984129044

2018-10-13 17:09:55 UTC  

that is so unfortunate

2018-10-13 17:10:00 UTC  

ted cruz supporterts?

2018-10-13 17:10:01 UTC  

bros we gotta bullycide him

2018-10-13 17:10:05 UTC  

imagine not having a strong chin

2018-10-13 17:10:09 UTC  

lol when was this

2018-10-13 17:10:21 UTC  

just a few millimeters

2018-10-13 17:10:27 UTC  

having that weak a chin is just something u dont recover from

2018-10-13 17:10:28 UTC  

i have a chin/ok jaw

2018-10-13 17:10:31 UTC  

and good cantal tilt

2018-10-13 17:10:32 UTC  


2018-10-13 17:10:34 UTC  

i hate women

2018-10-13 17:10:37 UTC  

i blame my single mum

2018-10-13 17:10:39 UTC  

its all her fualt

2018-10-13 17:10:40 UTC  

ctrl v go

2018-10-13 17:10:42 UTC  

Today in school we had a substitute teacher in one of my classes and I pulled an epic prank on the whole class. When he had to leave the classroom for a few minutes, I went up the whiteboard and wrote TROLOLOLOL in all caps (for those of you who don't know, this is the catchphrase of the Troll Face from Rage Comics). It took up like half the white board xD By the time he got back, I was sitting at my desk pretending that nothing happened, but all my stupid classmates were staring at me (they didn't get the reference). When the sub asked “who wrote this?” I was trying really hard not to laugh and I stood up while making the same facial expression as the Troll Face meme and I asked "problem?" I was expecting AT LEAST one of my classmates to laugh, but nobody did (like I said earlier, they didn’t get the reference). Still standing, I thought of a new joke. I made the facial expression of Doge (a different internet meme) and I said “much troll, very epic” so everyone would get that it was a joke about the Troll Face. To my surprise, not a single person laughed, and after a few seconds of me waiting for everyone to get the joke, a kid said “sit down faggot.” I asked if he went on the Four-Chan forums because they made up that word, but he just looked at me like I was the stupid one. By now, pretty much the whole class was yelling at me to sit down and shut up. I took this opportunity to make a Four-Chan reference, so as a joke, I yelled “FUCKING NORMIES” (because that’s what Four-Chan calls people who don’t get memes) and ran circles around the desks with my arms behind my back like in anime xD I got a lunch detention from the sub but it was worth it because I got to troll the whole class.

2018-10-13 17:10:53 UTC  

I have 10/10 face body and personality I am just 4 feet tall

2018-10-13 17:10:55 UTC

2018-10-13 17:10:58 UTC  

the real 'good chin' is someone who can take a punch

2018-10-13 17:11:08 UTC  

i used to hit myself for fun

2018-10-13 17:11:09 UTC  

does that count

2018-10-13 17:11:11 UTC  

My chin is ok but made powerful through the beard

2018-10-13 17:11:15 UTC  


2018-10-13 17:11:17 UTC  

davids beard

2018-10-13 17:11:19 UTC  

is chad/10

2018-10-13 17:11:24 UTC  

pussy slayer extreme

2018-10-13 17:11:27 UTC  

and the teeth?

2018-10-13 17:11:30 UTC  

take it to the next levle

2018-10-13 17:11:33 UTC  


2018-10-13 17:11:37 UTC  

brb pee

2018-10-13 17:11:46 UTC  

Women dig gold teeth for real

2018-10-13 17:11:52 UTC  


2018-10-13 17:11:54 UTC  

@Deleted User poast stream

2018-10-13 17:12:05 UTC  

my 'teeth' is just one solid C shaped piece of ivory

2018-10-13 17:12:06 UTC  


2018-10-13 17:12:43 UTC  

God I hate undertale

2018-10-13 17:12:46 UTC  

so much

2018-10-13 17:13:01 UTC  

the only stram

2018-10-13 17:13:03 UTC  

ill never do

2018-10-13 17:13:05 UTC  

ever do

2018-10-13 17:13:06 UTC  

is my suicide

2018-10-13 17:13:26 UTC  

Going out like radec