Message from @Go
Discord ID: 502616312413945877
No mines getting raped by a woman
you cannot see, but i am cringing in real life!
@Deleted User hey buddy it's ok you don't have to give the guy your sister but you do need to give her to me
Uie is spiritually a woman, crying constantly. His avatar even is a woman
@Deleted User give me and Taste each a sister
@Deleted User give me a sister nigger
Me, Dim goon, and Taste each get one of your 5 sisters
no i don't want fucking herpes
Fine me and taste will split the sisters
3 for me
my dick will turn gangrenous and do a loopdiloop round my body and strangle me to death if i rayp her
@Deleted User ABLOO BLOO BLOO ME WANTIE GF like fuck off retard you got 5 sisters just get one of their friends you lanky homo
Give me a sister or I will take one by force
guys can we go back to talking about dogs
Dogs do not belong in the house
@Deleted User give me da sister
Dogs are cool but like have you ever rayped one of Uie's sisters?
Thank gnome it's Friday
niggolas jew faguentes
Thank gnome it's Friday
gniggolas jew faguentes
Gniggolas Jew Faguentes
@everyone NIGGER
Thank gnome it's Friday
don't say that
Thank gnome it's Friday
problem libtard?