Message from @buttsguytbhfam
Discord ID: 503701218602909696
Mmmmmm....groyp your girlfriend, I must
hhmmmmmmm..............plunder teen pussy, i must.....
retweet if you read it in his voice!
Hahaha RT, dim goon!
a dim fool
any mommy gf's here
he cute
you ever look at a guy and think fuck if only he went on HRT
sweat army
>shawn immediately takes that @
account is forfeitted over to shawn
twitter holds a raffle to decide who gets the account and paul town wins
really missing paultown, this "calvin" guy is really gay
Not as good content!
boss baby
like a boss baby
we need to appropriate the trans flag
and make it something based
like how they stole the rainbow from god
dont @ me nigger
We do. Fuck trannys
niggers and spicks be damned