Message from @DavidTheSlumpGod

Discord ID: 505399179036721173

2018-10-26 14:09:05 UTC  

wow he's just like me

2018-10-26 14:09:36 UTC  

hes a cat girl transspecies transgender just like me

2018-10-26 14:09:45 UTC

2018-10-26 14:10:31 UTC  

ok so elon

2018-10-26 14:10:45 UTC  

niggas be clowning

2018-10-26 14:12:54 UTC  

elonmusk: im pregnant

2018-10-26 14:13:14 UTC  

Tesla, the Woman's Carℒ️

2018-10-26 14:13:43 UTC  

women start selling all their alligator skin purses to buy electric cars

2018-10-26 14:20:54 UTC  

"elon made another anime tweet"

2018-10-26 14:25:19 UTC  


2018-10-26 14:37:35 UTC  

oh man......he's just like me!

2018-10-26 14:38:07 UTC  

this isn't any different from fast food twitter accounts and their EP1C BANTER!!!!! y'know

2018-10-26 14:38:23 UTC  

but i just have to drink my coca cola im not happy until ive had my first coca cola of the day theres something about them so delicious and tasty i love the metallic flavor of the can against my lips and by the time im on my third coke of the day i can feel my insides tingle and thats when i know that i was meant to live in this era and i was meant to drink coca cola

2018-10-26 14:38:42 UTC  

but i just have to drink my coca cola im not happy until ive had my first coca cola of the day theres something about them so delicious and tasty i love the metallic flavor of the can against my lips and by the time im on my third coke of the day i can feel my insides tingle and thats when i know that i was meant to live in this era and i was meant to drink coca cola

2018-10-26 14:41:01 UTC  

but i just have to drink my coca cola im not happy until ive had my first coca cola of the day theres something about them so delicious and tasty i love the metallic flavor of the can against my lips and by the time im on my third coke of the day i can feel my insides tingle and thats when i know that i was but i just have to drink my coca cola im not happy until ive had my first coca cola of the day theres something about them so delicious and tasty i but i just have to drink my coca cola im not happy until ive had my first coca cola of the day theres something about them so delicious and tasty i love the metallic flavor of the can against my lips and by the time im on my third coke of the day i can feel my insides tingle and thats when i know that i was meant to live in this era and i was meant to drink coca cola
1 the metallic flavor of the can against my lips and by the time im on my third coke of the day i can feel but i just have to drink my coca cola im not happy until ive had my first coca cola of the day theres something about them so delicious and tasty i love the metallic flavor of the can against my lips and by the time im on my third coke of the day i can feel my insides tingle and thats when i know that i was meant to live in this era and i was meant to drink coca cola
1 insides tingle and thats when i know that i was meant to live in this era and i was meant to drink coca cola
1 to live in this era and i was meant to drink coca cola

2018-10-26 14:44:49 UTC  

I go, 'Mom just give me a Pepsi, please'
All I want is a Pepsi and she wouldn't give it to me
All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi
And she wouldn't give it to me, just a Pepsi

2018-10-26 14:48:48 UTC  

My wife and her boyfriend just got a victory royale in fortnite! everyone, give her a round of applause!

2018-10-26 14:58:09 UTC  

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

2018-10-26 14:59:01 UTC

2018-10-26 15:14:45 UTC  

writing the teachers name in ur death note

2018-10-26 15:15:54 UTC  

lmao kid in my old high school used to do that

2018-10-26 15:16:34 UTC  

>that kid who carried around a death note

2018-10-26 15:25:50 UTC  

people who owned a deathnote had at least an 8in dick

2018-10-26 15:35:27 UTC  

1 like = 1 prayer for sick shawn

2018-10-26 15:36:13 UTC  

that kid who knew all the naruto hand signs

2018-10-26 15:37:49 UTC  

that was me

2018-10-26 15:38:20 UTC  

every time i dropped that firestyle sasuke jutsu everyone freaked

2018-10-26 15:38:38 UTC  

that obese "witch" girl who tried to hex you for tripping her in gym class

2018-10-26 15:44:28 UTC  

shawn is sick?

2018-10-26 15:47:21 UTC  

sick in the head

2018-10-26 15:47:37 UTC

2018-10-26 15:58:47 UTC  

So I went gymcelling again. My gym is divided into two floors: the upper floor is for weight lifting which is pretty decent because wymyn barely go there. The lower floor is for legs workout, stretching and abs where you often see prime girls working out in tight outfits. Pure suifuel.

Today I went to the stretching room to do some abs exercises. There were two Stacys one of whom was doing crunches on the floor. I didn't want to work out next to her but other places were all occupied. So I had no choice.

She was wearing a tight black outfit exposing her boobs and I had to try my best keeping my eyes away from her body. But another petite Stacy was working out on the other side so it was inevitable suifuel.

Then came the moment. I felt the urge to let out some gas lol. Actually I did it pretty often but always in silence so I thought it would be OK. So I just let it out. It turned out to be a thunder.

Fuck I was embarrassed as hell and heard other guys there giggling. Then I saw these 2 Stacys look at me with disgust then pick up their stuff and leave the room immediately.

I felt extremely anxious at first, but then I was just satisfied, filled with refreshing energy. I literally farted away my suifuel who wouldn't want me anyway. If being in their proximity makes me uncomfortable, then I have no obligation to suppress my inner urge just to make them feel comfortable. The fart made my Day.

2018-10-26 16:15:53 UTC  

what am i supposed to do without the sweat on a friday

2018-10-26 16:16:53 UTC  


2018-10-26 16:21:57 UTC  


2018-10-26 16:22:00 UTC  

no sweat tonight?

2018-10-26 16:30:49 UTC  

shawn is getting coochie and bailing on the sweat?

2018-10-26 16:34:57 UTC  

shawn has to watch his son's ballgame he can't be on

2018-10-26 16:35:35 UTC  
