Message from @zimthomas

Discord ID: 515515390969905153

2018-11-23 04:10:03 UTC  


2018-11-23 04:15:32 UTC  
2018-11-23 04:20:10 UTC  

I like "her face forms in summertime"

2018-11-23 04:20:43 UTC  

so this is the face of white nationalism

2018-11-23 04:32:43 UTC  

Not a huge fan of the 90s feel to it but some decent guitar shit in there

2018-11-23 04:32:49 UTC  
2018-11-23 04:33:36 UTC  

on the other hand, this is the most consistently good bones album i've heard

2018-11-23 04:34:17 UTC  

He pumps albums

2018-11-23 04:34:25 UTC  

Like one every 3 months

2018-11-23 04:34:55 UTC  

So pretty much all of them only got like 2/3 good songs in em

2018-11-23 04:45:41 UTC  

i pump your mom w sperm every 3 seconds

2018-11-23 04:52:08 UTC  

Uh oh

2018-11-23 05:25:11 UTC  

oh no no no

2018-11-23 05:25:23 UTC  

dont let your kids on gab

2018-11-23 05:29:33 UTC  

Uh oh

2018-11-23 07:07:28 UTC  


2018-11-23 12:59:02 UTC  

Holy fuck. I was dreaming about a sweat episode where Beardson set up a 'dad cam' which basically was a feed tracking his dad. He was just walking around the house doing random shit like getting himself snacks, drinks and washing his face but everyone in the chat was eating it up.

2018-11-23 13:11:55 UTC  

Dude you had a premonition

2018-11-23 13:13:16 UTC  

Yeah, we’re gonna need the Battle of The Dads to happen soon

2018-11-23 13:14:07 UTC  

My dad can beat up ur dad

2018-11-23 13:14:21 UTC  

Dad Fights!

2018-11-23 15:50:15 UTC  

orange man called out??

2018-11-23 15:50:31 UTC  

omg this can not be happening are yuo serious

2018-11-23 16:24:28 UTC  

The nibba

2018-11-23 16:25:59 UTC

2018-11-23 16:26:17 UTC  


2018-11-23 16:26:33 UTC  

niggolas jew faguentes followed fag jew goldstein

2018-11-23 16:27:09 UTC  


2018-11-23 16:28:13 UTC  


2018-11-23 16:52:43 UTC  

why do faggots act like teenage girls

2018-11-23 16:54:16 UTC  

Because they have the same brain structure as women

2018-11-23 16:54:24 UTC  


2018-11-23 16:58:13 UTC  

Because they have the same brain structure as w*men

2018-11-23 16:58:18 UTC  


2018-11-23 16:58:43 UTC  

come on spacecel we don't like that words just getting thrown around unchecked around here

2018-11-23 17:02:05 UTC  

Square up bitch

2018-11-23 17:03:04 UTC

2018-11-23 17:03:10 UTC  

im ready bitcj

2018-11-23 17:04:53 UTC  

That's my Stand!