Message from @a dim goon

Discord ID: 517899340560465931

2018-11-30 03:04:07 UTC  

Hitler actually invented anime

2018-11-30 03:04:13 UTC  

hitler would've been a weeb just on ythr basis of benin a fuckin loser LMAO

2018-11-30 03:04:13 UTC  

It's why he got kicked out of art school

2018-11-30 03:04:16 UTC  

According to Kubizek, Hitler never spoke to Stefanie, always saying he would do so "tomorrow".[5] Kubizek wrote that Hitler loathed those who flirted with her, especially the military officers, whom he called "conceited blockheads";[6] he came to feel an "uncompromising enmity towards the officer class as a whole, and everything military in general. It annoyed him that Stefanie mixed with such idlers who, he insisted, wore corsets and used scent".[6]

"Hitler insisted that Kubizek stalk Stefanie and delivered daily reports on her activity while he was away visiting his mother or family. In one report, Kubizek wrote that Stefanie loved to dance and had taken lessons. Hitler disliked dancing and reportedly replied, "Stefanie only dances because she is forced to by society on which she unfortunately depends on. Once Stefanie is my wife, she won't have the slightest desire to dance!" In June 1906, Stefanie allegedly gave Hitler a smile and a flower from her bouquet as she was passing him in her carriage. Kubizek later described the scene:

"Never again did I see Adolf as happy as he was at that moment. When the carriage had passed he dragged me aside and with emotion he gazed at the flower, this visible pledge of her love. I can still hear his voice, trembling with excitement, 'She loves me!' "

2018-11-30 03:04:23 UTC  

Hitler was beta AF

2018-11-30 03:04:30 UTC  

he'd be an incel today

2018-11-30 03:04:35 UTC  

the reason art teachers hate anime is because of hitler

2018-11-30 03:04:37 UTC  

Anime film and animation theory came together in 30s japan and manga around the 1890s-1910s so hitler was actually a fag weeb

2018-11-30 03:04:47 UTC  

>s-she only dances because of s-society

2018-11-30 03:04:50 UTC  


2018-11-30 03:04:55 UTC  

*assembling fresh pastamaker*

2018-11-30 03:05:10 UTC  

>f-fucking chad stop talking to my waifu!

2018-11-30 03:06:00 UTC  

>Kubizek claims that Hitler finally stated he planned to kidnap Stefanie and kill both her and himself by jumping off a bridge into the Danube.[9] Instead he moved to Vienna, where, according to Kubizek, an idealised image of Stefanie became his moral touchstone. Stefanie stated in later interviews that she was unaware of Hitler at the time, but that she had received an anonymous love letter asking her to wait for him to graduate and then to marry him, which she only realised after being questioned about him, must have been from Hitler

2018-11-30 03:06:07 UTC  


2018-11-30 03:06:20 UTC  

whats this from

2018-11-30 03:06:23 UTC  


2018-11-30 03:06:28 UTC  


2018-11-30 03:06:33 UTC  

She didn't even know who he was 😂

2018-11-30 03:06:43 UTC  

>its f-from kikipedia so its not true ;~;

2018-11-30 03:07:01 UTC  

all you have to do is read hitlers writings to see he was a huge sperg

2018-11-30 03:07:04 UTC

2018-11-30 03:07:06 UTC  

like most germans

2018-11-30 03:07:16 UTC  

Hilter was a gamer

2018-11-30 03:07:19 UTC  

hitler would've taken that photo of the couple with the obese shadow

2018-11-30 03:07:21 UTC  

This convinces me

2018-11-30 03:07:30 UTC  

hitler had autism

2018-11-30 03:07:33 UTC  

hitler would've been a groyper account

2018-11-30 03:07:35 UTC  

william shirer made it sound like he was a womanizer in his book

2018-11-30 03:07:38 UTC  

to deny this is to be willfully ignorant

2018-11-30 03:07:43 UTC  

All Germans have autism

2018-11-30 03:07:47 UTC  

hitler was a high functioning aspie

2018-11-30 03:07:47 UTC  

hitler had a living space on par with the lucas room

2018-11-30 03:07:48 UTC  

nobody fucking knows whats the truth

2018-11-30 03:07:51 UTC  

calling it

2018-11-30 03:07:54 UTC  

if all germans had autism they wouldn't be for open borders @PCENGINEDUO

2018-11-30 03:08:01 UTC  

2018-11-30 03:08:03 UTC  

2018-11-30 03:08:04 UTC  

2018-11-30 03:08:06 UTC  

2018-11-30 03:08:14 UTC  

el federales have arrived

2018-11-30 03:08:15 UTC  

there are plenty of lib autists