Message from @ßcuzzy

Discord ID: 526568507672887307

2018-12-24 00:57:12 UTC

2018-12-24 00:57:25 UTC

2018-12-24 01:02:27 UTC

2018-12-24 01:02:34 UTC  

hey guys joe the boomer here

2018-12-24 01:04:46 UTC  

Fugging whale car

2018-12-24 01:06:55 UTC  

hey guys

2018-12-24 01:06:59 UTC  

joe the rapist here

2018-12-24 01:07:34 UTC  

Joe the nigger

2018-12-24 01:07:39 UTC  


2018-12-24 01:07:58 UTC  

joe the anal gapist

2018-12-24 01:08:52 UTC

2018-12-24 01:09:21 UTC  

5G is a brainwashing wavelength used by the CIA to burn out free will

2018-12-24 01:09:30 UTC  


2018-12-24 01:11:06 UTC  

how to shield myself from 5G

2018-12-24 01:11:09 UTC  

help internet!

2018-12-24 01:12:42 UTC  

You need to cover your house in diamond blocks

2018-12-24 01:12:46 UTC  

better get mining

2018-12-24 01:13:49 UTC  

only use torches for lighting

2018-12-24 01:13:54 UTC  

glowstone is a jewish scheme

2018-12-24 01:14:57 UTC  

I use redstone lamp

2018-12-24 01:15:15 UTC  

hooked up to the light detector

2018-12-24 01:15:24 UTC  

it turns on when the sun goes down

2018-12-24 01:15:50 UTC  

Am I safe from the hebrew radiation?

2018-12-24 01:17:30 UTC  

just dont build your house anywhere near a village

2018-12-24 01:17:48 UTC  

It's built into the side of a cliff

2018-12-24 01:17:57 UTC  

earthquake update

2018-12-24 01:18:33 UTC  

I exit the house by falling out of a trap door into the river below

2018-12-24 01:18:56 UTC  

And proceed to get destroyed by the drowned niggers

2018-12-24 01:19:59 UTC  

the elite are hiding in the end and so help me God as soon as i find tje ender portal it's curtains for these monsters

2018-12-24 01:20:08 UTC  

I wish there was a RW twitter minecraft server

2018-12-24 01:20:16 UTC  

just vanilla survival

2018-12-24 01:20:24 UTC  

make 1 nigger

2018-12-24 01:20:26 UTC  

there was one like that

2018-12-24 01:20:34 UTC  


2018-12-24 01:20:36 UTC  

for braving ruins server

2018-12-24 01:20:37 UTC  

it was destroyed due to infighting

2018-12-24 01:20:40 UTC  

its gone now

2018-12-24 01:20:46 UTC  

i think it still exists

2018-12-24 01:20:50 UTC  

but its dead af

2018-12-24 01:20:51 UTC  

doubt anyone plays on it

2018-12-24 01:20:53 UTC  
