Message from @Tarnfurt
Discord ID: 365203669441839104
It's still a relief tho to here that the old stuff is non kosher
I honestly think anything on Adult Swim is all very much Kosher and has been for some years.
Not to say I dont enjoy it here or there... Its just odd and degenerate in ways that.. Even though its alot of witty White people writing it... Its still Jewy and not meant for us.
Never forget that time that Jewish detective had his face melted off with cleaning products in the venture bros. And that time Dean said he loved Hitler and that Hitler loved him
Just Jews making jokes of themselves and of Hitler, per usual. They exclusively control that Market.
Rick makes references to military spending on Israel also. For a second they almost fooled me..
Keep in mind the only person to tell Dean that Hitler was a mass murderer was a mentally ill race mixing pedo. Maybe Doc hammer was trying to tell us something.
Rick and morty is as kiked as it gets. And as much as I like china, il that show was kiked af too
"Independent" entertainment and media like Adult Swim, Vice, and FSTV have all been swallowed into the Business As Usual collective.
"Arguably the most effective and well-organized alt-right ... movement out there today"
Hail Heimbach
@Fevs When your competition is Kekcucks and Proud Boys, no doubt.
Fucking lel'd at those faces, reminded me of DeviantArt OCs.
B-but praise kekistan am i right?!
@Kombat-Unit good point
Do you mean BASED faggot
Needs to get back into the limelight
He belongs in a BASED bog
When your classic liberal fag book doesen't get you the attention you need
@Kombat-Unit See it just goes to show that the problems with blacks and gays we have are entirely cultural. We can't judge the whole group by the actions of a few!
@Fevs Every counterjihadist ever: We can't let Europe be drowned by mudflood of savage black Islamic barbarians...oh they're Haitian christians? Welcome to Europe my brothers in Christ! *blows shofar*
For fucks sake
I literally cannot keep a FB for a die, without even commenting on anything public and a fucking VPN.
Only when I used my college email did I get to keep a new one.
Maybe it detects new emails.
It's just fucking annoying.
Fuck this country
@Kombat-Unit a favorite point of Brother Varg lol
@AltCelt(IL) Yeah, fuck those guys. Pamela Geller and ACT for America are part of the same cancer crowd. Eternal praise be to Breivik for destroying the counterjihadist movement.
I think they tried to start "American Defense League" as well, but that fell through I think.
"Okay boys let's protect European culture!" t. Tommy Robinson