Message from @PCENGINEDUO
Discord ID: 559928511607865384
@Steve Sailer Moon kys retard
the king liked my tweet
I love eli
*kicks open front door to chat*
His art is absolute shit
hell yah dude
But he pisses the right people off
Enlightenment was the beginning of the end
so true
he draws everything like a mix of mad and that jew meme
i love it
it speaks to me
thats called psychosis
thanks dr peterson
doing the whole "jwoke" thing for longer than 10 months is a sign of mental disorder
Unironically yeah
yeah i mean its obviously not working huh
he's a knock off Robert Crumb.
fuck off jidf 😃
if you or a loved one shows signs of sperging lasting longer than 10 months, please seek medical treatment
i suffer so others may live free
@Dentistry Just want to say: youre a fag
It's too late to just start j-noticing
It is not 2007. Christopher Hitchens is dead. Move on homo.
holy fuck. these are fucking trashboy memes
🤣 the christcucks are MAD NOW
@Dentistry You're an autist and a manlet and you cope by hating Christ. Nothing more.
@Steve Sailer Moon 😆
wojak mask dot jaypegg
@Steve Sailer Moon it's either a legit retard posting. or a boomer thinking they are styling with archaic memes