Message from @B|ack|ce
Discord ID: 559927402990665752
Dentistry poast physique :^]
your posts are on low battery mode @Dentistry
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Shut the fuck up
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I'm Jewish
I love being a jew
hi juden, I'm an atheist
But you're going to hell for being a pagan
i hope this ends in a murder suicide
Italians are literally like
The country is carved up
feds post the worst memes
Im not a jew
Between whites and not whites
But according vto this FAG I am
and they're all Italian
you can be an atheist and not be a fucking fedora tipping moron
problem christcuck?
Every italian, even the darkest Sardinian or Sicilian, is whiter than the average Nordic SNOWNIGGER
Im an atheist so
Dentistry is 5 foot nothing and weighs 90 pounds. And most embarrassing of all he's gotten BTFO on the daily brap 5 times now
Im just not retarded about it
Moorish conquest of Italy
but go off
@B|ack|ce that sounds like cope and it sounds like you cucking out of a debate because you're afraid of being called out on being an atheist
Nordids and Alpinids are the missing link between man and monky
dentistry is a turbo autist
no Im just not 14 years old
man and monke
dentistry is a turbo autist
@Dentistry No one wants to debate you because you're a fag.
and understand that christian theocracy as a social norm is good for european society
and the collapse of it was the begining of our decline
@Steve Sailer Moon I've already debated christians