Message from @B|ack|ce

Discord ID: 592375929247105025

2019-06-23 15:13:31 UTC  

and irish

2019-06-23 15:13:55 UTC  

Eric Stryker literal pajeet but castizos aren't white

2019-06-23 15:14:04 UTC  

lol really?

2019-06-23 15:14:13 UTC  

didn’t they dox his sister after the james allsup thing

2019-06-23 15:14:18 UTC  


2019-06-23 15:14:56 UTC  

If I donate eno8gu superchats will nick get his parents to arrange marriage his sister

2019-06-23 15:23:10 UTC  

hi nick can i please plow your sister

2019-06-23 15:28:04 UTC  

Spanish racial caste system doesn't make sense because Spain was a moorish Iberian conquest

2019-06-23 15:28:36 UTC  

post 900 ad sure

2019-06-23 15:28:53 UTC  

it was a gaulish roman society up till then

2019-06-23 15:29:27 UTC  

but Spain didn't do that much shit around the globe until that had already occurred

2019-06-23 15:29:38 UTC  

so it doesn't make sense to talk about like

2019-06-23 15:29:38 UTC  

Were moors black?

2019-06-23 15:29:43 UTC  

they gained their bloodlust for conquest from the moors

2019-06-23 15:29:50 UTC  

Moors were Arab and some black

2019-06-23 15:29:52 UTC  

black as in algerians

2019-06-23 15:30:07 UTC  

Was carthage black?

2019-06-23 15:30:07 UTC  

Black as in angl*ids

2019-06-23 15:30:20 UTC  

No Carthage was berbers/meds

2019-06-23 15:30:20 UTC  

carthage were sicilians

2019-06-23 15:30:27 UTC  

they all had slicked back hair

2019-06-23 15:30:30 UTC  

and wore tank tops

2019-06-23 15:30:43 UTC  

Sicily or "moor's Italy"

2019-06-23 15:31:07 UTC  

The fonz was a disgusting example of Jewish racism practicing "medface"

2019-06-23 15:31:25 UTC  

hannibal was the fonz

2019-06-23 15:31:54 UTC  


2019-06-23 15:32:22 UTC  

Castizo nigga like: "yeah 3/4 European so"
>is from southern Spanish full moorish spaniard heritage

2019-06-23 15:32:37 UTC  

Thats cringe bro

2019-06-23 15:32:42 UTC  

Spain is cringe

2019-06-23 15:32:52 UTC  

Spain is cringe but redpilled

2019-06-23 15:33:09 UTC  

Portugal is cringe and bluepilled

2019-06-23 15:33:16 UTC  

Ye ik im here rn

2019-06-23 15:33:37 UTC  

How did they get owned by Africans

2019-06-23 15:33:53 UTC  

North Africans

2019-06-23 15:34:03 UTC  

Yeah still

2019-06-23 15:34:11 UTC  

irish are iberians too

2019-06-23 15:34:18 UTC  

never forget

2019-06-23 15:34:27 UTC  

Yeah based

2019-06-23 15:34:30 UTC  

least owned iberians

2019-06-23 15:34:38 UTC  

But like before the moors

2019-06-23 15:34:42 UTC  

died because they couldnt eat tubers