Message from @ßcuzzy
Discord ID: 601587506135302166
This bitch puts that she's looking for a hookup (but in "cute Scott pilgrim girl words") then she fuckin moves back over here and her bio changes to mention monogamy because mine does
why are the women like this
what she look like
you put that youre looking for monogamy in a dating profile?
sometimes ya just gotta specify
The last time I was fuckin using a dating profile
It was not possible to get anywhere that was meant to lead to dating
I did not hear from anyone unless they were trying to fuck me
dating is for fags lol
t. fag
i'm sure you've heard it a million times but ideally you'd want a girl from church
yeah they ruined everything
Then why are you bothering @ßcuzzy
why type it
what happens if you ask a girl to delete her profile
Yeah ideally lots of shit
on the first date or something
as a sign of good faith
well whats the issue
whats in your way?
Gettin heavy spook vibes from @Luca 🕵🏾♂️
@ßcuzzy my huge wiener
what is that
stop online gayting
I'm not gonna explain why what you posted is retarded for the 10th time bruh
city slicker
besides if you say you are looking for monogamy you kind have to commit really soon no?
look at me everyone! i'm the *city slicker*! i cover myself in cooking oil and slide all over the fuckin town being an absolute goob
@ßcuzzy look at me everyone! i'm chrischansonichu! I'm searching for true love from a galpal in Lexington Kentucky in da form of a boyfrenfree nonalcoholic white girl from the ground up!
what about me
slick rick 😏