Message from @Dentistry

Discord ID: 608450416165912690

2019-08-06 23:27:45 UTC

2019-08-06 23:29:04 UTC  

This is my first and last time posting on this website. My son was in a drunk driving accident yesterday and his last dying words were: Mom, do a barrel roll. I did a Google research on it and that led me ultimately here.

Looking at your website for the last hour I have seen:

* Pictures of corpses
* Misogyny
* Terrorism
* Discussion of rape
* Encouraging suicide
* Encouraging the use of drugs and alcohol

There is a line between free speech and insane disgusting crap that has already been detrimental to the lives of MY children and I am sure children across the world. It says i have to post an image so i did but i just want you to know that i have started my campaigning against your website as of today. If you as an online community do not clean up your act, i will be forced to take legal actions against your website. I myself am a very rich woman, and i will be sure to get the best team of lawyers to do the mash, to do the monster mash. The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash.

2019-08-06 23:29:49 UTC

2019-08-06 23:29:59 UTC  

An antisocial emo, huh? Is this what you use to refer to others who do not share the same ideas of fun as you?

You fucking bitch.

First of all, I am neither antisocial--also, the word you're looking for is ASOCIAL--nor emo; I am but a man who enjoys playing video games and discussing them with other people on the internet who share the same interests as I do.

Now, if you don't mind, I have to masturbate to this doujin that just finished downloading.

2019-08-06 23:30:32 UTC  

Like for a free iPhone 5

2019-08-06 23:30:37 UTC  

Video games fucking suck.

You know it, I know it. After a while, they can't fill the void worth shit, and no matter what you do, you'll always end up getting frustrated. You can play extremely well, but it's never enough. You'll always find something that pisses you off because it's not the video games that anger you, it's life. And so you begin to see everything that is shit and nothing that is good, and eventually video games become a giant moldy pile of shit that you occasionally swim in before turning off in disgust.

I can't fucking take it anymore, they're all so god-damn boring and bad, every god-damn one. Just kill me now.

2019-08-06 23:37:44 UTC  

I was annoyed that we only got her turned into a devil form when she was pregnant, would have liked to see her non preggo devil form.
I would also have liked if for once this kinda stuff ends not with the girl as mental retarded cock slave, but that she hates it till the end and is disgusted by it, with the evil sustaining a constant sliver of hope within her despite knowing he already killed the hero and there actually is no hope left.

2019-08-06 23:37:46 UTC

2019-08-06 23:37:49 UTC  

Well I went into eb games and I asked if they sold mothers day cards and they said that they don't, so I just bought a copy of dead rising for $8, then I saw boxes filled with tiny boxes of cereal and I said "is that cereal?" and they said "yeah help yourself" and so I took some boxes of choco frosted flakes and some other shit.

I didn't really question why there was cereal it just was there and was free. Lots of businesses have cards for special days like mothers day and shit why not a video game store, hell you can find cards at gas stations and shit. I don't think I'm autistic I bought dead rising not sonic 2006.

2019-08-06 23:40:59 UTC

2019-08-06 23:41:01 UTC  

>mom doesnt care if I'm dating
>buy a marisa fig
>she sees it
>asks me if everything is alright
>bring over blonde girl daughters of her friends to meet me
>asks me if im gay

I just wanna keep jacking off to toons mom fug off...

2019-08-06 23:43:29 UTC  

Bigly nostalgic feels day

2019-08-06 23:43:33 UTC  

As summer approaches (in America) how do you deal with the sexual frustration of seeing booty butt cheeks like this out in public but not being able to touch them. One one hand because you're fat, ugly, loveshy, autistic or whatever makes you socially retarded or unattractive. On the other because half of them are underage jailb8 or walking with their alpha brotector bf, or group of girls who you imagine possibly scream rape if they catch you staring at someone's ass with a 'dat ass' grin.

No, I'm not hurr durr degeneracy wish I was in Yemen. I actually do enjoy seeing that stuff, but at the same time, its like I'm a starving dog having meat dangled in front of my face. I stopped doing that thing where a chick walking my direction and l turn around to look at her ass, cause its just so futile, but I'll still check out some ass if I happen to be walking past it from behind.

2019-08-06 23:43:51 UTC  

E l e c t r o n i c s *BOUTIQUE*

2019-08-06 23:44:08 UTC  

It was an oasis in the mall

2019-08-06 23:44:18 UTC  

stop posting nazi shit you’re scaring the hoes

2019-08-06 23:44:23 UTC  

yeah this

2019-08-07 00:02:57 UTC

2019-08-07 00:04:17 UTC  

thats about as real as my dick is long

2019-08-07 00:04:19 UTC  

and it short

2019-08-07 00:04:43 UTC  

barbell raises are real u dumb computernerd

2019-08-07 00:05:36 UTC  

No I was there I’m the manager

2019-08-07 00:07:38 UTC  

'tis a shame

one thing I like about mcdonalds (at least here in New Mexico) is the cadre of cute young mexican girls who usually seem to be working behind the counter. the sexiest MILF-type always seems to be the one with the scarf around her neck who is managing everyone

2019-08-07 00:08:15 UTC  

"and everyonr clapped"

2019-08-07 00:12:12 UTC  

Ye the gym is called planet fashness

2019-08-07 00:12:20 UTC  

Surprised she never noticed this

2019-08-07 00:38:56 UTC  

@everyone doin your mom doin doin your mom

2019-08-07 00:44:52 UTC  

@everyone pee

2019-08-07 00:46:08 UTC  

doin ya mom

2019-08-07 01:24:58 UTC  


2019-08-07 01:47:08 UTC  


2019-08-07 02:13:50 UTC

2019-08-07 02:22:11 UTC  

A wet milkie

2019-08-07 02:28:58 UTC  
2019-08-07 03:31:55 UTC  

i ran out of the gym and my ass was clapping

2019-08-07 03:56:34 UTC

2019-08-07 03:59:15 UTC  

losing a lot of respect for people contributing to tara’s patreon shit fr

2019-08-07 04:00:26 UTC  

fuck I want choc milk

2019-08-07 04:00:31 UTC  


2019-08-07 04:41:40 UTC  

you ever ass so hard you fart your hurthole

2019-08-07 04:41:41 UTC  

you ever ass so hard you fart your hurthole