Message from @GRUMPYGAMER

Discord ID: 633013029612683284

2019-10-13 18:43:14 UTC  

im a proud autistic retard

2019-10-13 18:43:45 UTC  

God crashed the charger into fat bitch to PUNISH the alt right for tolerating fags like Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson and baked alaska

2019-10-13 18:43:50 UTC  

"i was in a gay relationship for 7 years" - not gay black swan

2019-10-13 18:44:15 UTC  

>let me see a kids pussy

2019-10-13 18:44:20 UTC  

T. Broseph

2019-10-13 18:44:27 UTC  

Beardson is the only person I trust because he says gay people are demons

2019-10-13 18:44:28 UTC  

need pic 4 proof

2019-10-13 18:44:41 UTC  

Beardson is a simp

2019-10-13 18:44:55 UTC  

Daily braap more like daily alcoholic pedophiles

2019-10-13 18:45:22 UTC  

Daily old Jewish guy who gets paid to run a shitty podcast and report on nicks whereabouts to mossad

2019-10-13 18:46:40 UTC  

Joe is a homosexual

2019-10-13 18:46:41 UTC  

I just thoigjt of a way to merge the schism between catholics and prozzies: the WBC is the new vicar of christ and should assume the papal throne

2019-10-13 18:46:46 UTC  
2019-10-13 18:46:55 UTC  

God hates fags

2019-10-13 18:47:02 UTC  

White big cock?

2019-10-13 18:47:08 UTC  

Westboro baptist church

2019-10-13 18:47:21 UTC  

Wtf nigger who would know that

2019-10-13 18:47:26 UTC  


2019-10-13 18:47:32 UTC  

I forget who their pastor is, Phelps? But maybe he could be made pope since the seat has been empty since Vatican 2

2019-10-13 18:47:39 UTC  

That's basically what u just did

2019-10-13 18:47:47 UTC  


2019-10-13 18:47:49 UTC  


2019-10-13 18:48:00 UTC  

Xeibfe to u too friend

2019-10-13 18:48:02 UTC  


2019-10-13 18:48:16 UTC  

Joe the Boomer has tongued anothrr man's asshole

2019-10-13 18:49:09 UTC  


2019-10-13 19:00:34 UTC  

Joe the Coomer in 5 year old boys

2019-10-13 19:02:06 UTC  

Big disavow to Eggy btw

2019-10-13 19:02:28 UTC  

Eggy visiting Joe is akin to Trump visiting Epstein's rape island

2019-10-13 19:12:52 UTC  


2019-10-13 19:13:27 UTC  

I think eggy is just a simple friendly guy who doesn't follow interpersonal drama much so I don't hold it against him

2019-10-13 19:13:36 UTC  

But definitely hope he doesn't go again

2019-10-13 19:18:16 UTC  

Eggy sucks

2019-10-13 19:18:37 UTC  

Eggy is a narcistic faggot who samefagged on r9k for relevancy

2019-10-13 19:18:48 UTC  

He completely ruined the board

2019-10-13 19:19:08 UTC  


2019-10-13 19:21:57 UTC  

Piece of history

2019-10-13 19:25:34 UTC  

I never went on r9k

2019-10-13 19:25:41 UTC  

Because r9k is for pathetic people

2019-10-13 20:23:30 UTC  

aren't you ugly?