Message from @Ragglefraggle07
Discord ID: 413525036738150401
@Arcion are you real?
Did you just ask me if I am real? @TheLostHelio
so when they "pull me" will I be in the room automatically
remember to mute the stream when you get pulled in
Will they hear my voice? I am so new to this
depends on how you're speaking
hop in the loud channel and yell at some people so you can check volume levels
If you have Push to talk or Voice activiation
lol @TheLostHelio
you can take it Khan
take what
randoms yelling in chat
i live me some ear rape
- the ear
I feel you @arcoin I'm lost
all the starks are gross...
she does have down syndrome eyes
@Shill Nye don't worry you literally can't screw up enough for it to matter
challenge accepted
sorry everyone
I'm a patreon supporter - that means something right?
probably not tonight but throw up a message in general and let them know your user name for patreon
@Shill Nye ^^
Shill Nye-message Matt to change your name to orange so they’ll know your a Patreon supporter.
ooo you message matt. Nevermind my message
thanks for the help everyone!
Matt needs better beer
send him some
Sounds like a plan
But where to send it
got to get matt to setup a po box
don't put any white powder in it
jesus... too soon