Message from @micamike45
Discord ID: 555554403860611102
man skin thats guy
^Hey at least that's my arm not a penis
at least its not a arm penis I mean arm pit
Aussie gun laws cause the gay
big gay = aussoe gun las
Romanus vs. That Guy = Winston Churchill vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin = Yin vs. Yang
@Deleted User lol
what's the right room?
the # roll_call room
"everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo"
i unmuted but it didnt work, am i missing something?
I don't know, I kinda hate trying to talk to people on discord, because something about discord makes my headset go nuts.
well i guess it was on my end, i tried multiple microphones
it was truly a great shit...
anyone know why discord wouldn't work even though i unmuted my mic?
is your mic using in other apps
no i only use a browser on my pc
it has permission too
can you try the default voice recorder on your pc
yes just checked i can record to the pc
ok,go to the setting in discord and then voice and video and make sure your input is set to the mic
you can also do a mic test there