Message from @Neon_Flipflop

Discord ID: 633934620592832512

2019-10-16 07:39:35 UTC  

Eh not nessisarily

2019-10-16 07:40:21 UTC  

"I regret reading" - No one ever

2019-10-16 07:40:45 UTC  

reading is a lifelong thing

2019-10-16 07:41:59 UTC  

books will change your life

2019-10-16 07:42:04 UTC  

when your dead you dont need much

2019-10-16 07:42:34 UTC  

its when you are alive, thats when you need books

2019-10-16 07:43:12 UTC  


2019-10-16 07:43:53 UTC  

If you don't get the reference

2019-10-16 07:44:36 UTC  

what sort of other things do you like?

2019-10-16 07:45:42 UTC  

any other hobbies?

2019-10-16 07:46:00 UTC  

lol what parties does a 14 yo go to?

2019-10-16 07:46:07 UTC  

ice cream socials lol?

2019-10-16 07:46:17 UTC  

kids today get wild

2019-10-16 07:46:21 UTC  


2019-10-16 07:46:42 UTC  

i bet it gets real crazy when you get rootbeer floats

2019-10-16 07:46:50 UTC  

House work is good work

2019-10-16 07:46:56 UTC  

Women are meant to do that work

2019-10-16 07:48:24 UTC  

It’s good for a woman to do housework and to cook, it’s in our nature to be home makers

2019-10-16 07:48:58 UTC  

It’s a woman’s place that’s it

2019-10-16 07:49:06 UTC  

That’s I’ll I’m saying

2019-10-16 07:49:51 UTC  

You’ll think differently

2019-10-16 07:50:24 UTC  

You might even be *fond* of kids one day

2019-10-16 07:50:40 UTC  

LOL why would they destroy your body?

2019-10-16 07:51:14 UTC  

No that’s bad for you

2019-10-16 07:51:15 UTC  

oh. well thats a good choice

2019-10-16 07:51:25 UTC  

fair enough

2019-10-16 07:51:32 UTC  

IUD is for women after they have children

2019-10-16 07:51:37 UTC  

Lets argue with millions of years of evolution

2019-10-16 07:53:07 UTC  

you have some more years to decide

2019-10-16 07:53:13 UTC  

never say never

2019-10-16 07:53:28 UTC  

isnt that what the bieber says

2019-10-16 07:54:48 UTC  


2019-10-16 07:54:56 UTC  

kids are good people

2019-10-16 07:55:10 UTC  

its ok to be wrong

2019-10-16 07:55:47 UTC  

adults like to complain

2019-10-16 07:57:29 UTC  

Adults who are genuinely happy to have children they complain minimally if not at all

2019-10-16 07:59:10 UTC  

there are ppl who do choose to not have kids and end up with satisfactory lives. yes there are also ppl who regret it as well. so if thats your choice, then you do you.

2019-10-16 07:59:34 UTC  

I’m very **fond** of this convo even though it’s going nowhere fast

2019-10-16 08:05:59 UTC  

would they be right to freak out?

2019-10-16 08:09:04 UTC  

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***AvasterPleaseAddImportant#9581 was banned***

2019-10-16 08:09:19 UTC  

Did you actually ban