Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 512375767208951812

2018-11-14 20:15:56 UTC  

Before I waste time watching do they actually come to a middle ground? because there really isn't one in certain issue like death penalty and abortion. you either have it or you don't.
I watched one on fat people and fit people and thought it was set up in kind of a bullshit way. either the fat people were liars or they were the rare people who actually have conditions that make them fat. That's not most people and unfairly using an exception against the rule.

2018-11-14 20:16:31 UTC  

if they weren't lying.

2018-11-14 20:17:56 UTC  

It's more like getting their perspectives on the matter and both sides learning they have more in common than they do against. By the end they eat a meal together and shake hands and all that mushy stuff

2018-11-14 20:24:21 UTC  

Yeah, thats how the one I watched ended. Didn't seem to have value to me. The two I posted I thought were interesting because they showed something about the way men and women filter potential partners.

2018-11-14 20:25:33 UTC  

That's true. You get more of a result from the videos you post

2018-11-14 20:25:36 UTC  


2018-11-14 20:40:09 UTC  

@SteelandSouls Afro-fag is an idiot and the woman is a smug Cortez lite.

2018-11-14 20:40:47 UTC  

They didn’t ask good questions either.

2018-11-14 20:42:06 UTC  

As the saying goes

2018-11-14 20:42:24 UTC  

You can’t be 10% dead or 40% pregnant

2018-11-14 20:42:32 UTC  

It’s an either or sorta thing

2018-11-14 20:43:39 UTC  

I thought the questions were pretty fair. Could they have asked better ones? Sure. I don't think the questions were wholly unreasonable. I am glad that I wasn't the only one to get the Cortez face comparison

2018-11-14 20:49:29 UTC  

@grant I like the savage bloke at the end. Super accurate.

2018-11-14 20:58:51 UTC  

@grant ‘I’m a lover of all beings. Wow that was dumb’. Yes is was Maitai yes it was.

2018-11-14 21:01:29 UTC  

It's California, man. Their mantra was whatever they heard at the end of the last Barney episode

2018-11-14 21:03:02 UTC  

I would have walked out on the girl because she dyed her hair a weird color

2018-11-14 21:11:49 UTC  

To be fair to her, she did a pretty good job with her questions in the sense that basically all of them constituted a pretty good reason to not be interested.

2018-11-14 21:12:27 UTC  

"I'm a little kinky, who wants to choke me?"

2018-11-14 21:13:22 UTC  

What does she think really kinky is, and what is the likelihood that it involves a car battery?

2018-11-14 21:17:59 UTC  

I draw the line at whatever got David Carradine off. Lol

2018-11-14 21:18:22 UTC  

@wolfman1911 that doesn’t sound healthy

2018-11-14 21:40:00 UTC  

Nope, but when you are so dead inside that it's the only thing that gets you off, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2018-11-14 21:41:49 UTC  

Sounds like a recipe to get off this planet completely

2018-11-14 21:43:37 UTC  

Well, I'm sure that there are people that are more openly into that as well.

2018-11-14 21:43:54 UTC  

By the way, just so we are clear, I am not talking about myself in any way in any of this.

2018-11-14 21:44:42 UTC  

Cog is LIVE @ 5! On today's show he will cover Bitchute and UKIP paypal in limited feature situation and 'Mother" of 12 dolls. Come and join! or

2018-11-14 21:44:44 UTC  

Suuuuuuuure. I getcha. 😉

2018-11-14 22:32:47 UTC  

Crawford's cracked me up before. That...was hilarious

2018-11-14 22:52:44 UTC  

another good fleccas video:

2018-11-15 01:28:09 UTC  

@Deleted User What up with that, my guy?

2018-11-15 01:32:02 UTC  

@SteelandSouls it was only a matter of time

2018-11-15 15:19:27 UTC  

She sure looks like a straight up witch,

2018-11-15 15:20:27 UTC  

Even worse than killary somehow

2018-11-15 15:30:00 UTC  

John Ward is a name-calling artist