Message from @Big T

Discord ID: 559507711058771989

2019-03-24 22:23:57 UTC  

I don't really like the libertarians view on violence. Because at some point they would have to use force as well (if it ever got big enough, which isn't likely).

2019-03-24 22:25:18 UTC  

@C1PHER Ya, many people do sadly. Lots of fools believe that no violence should ever be committed (even for good reasons).

2019-03-24 22:28:18 UTC  

I suppose you could argue that you can initiate violence in very special circumstances where you know the person you are violent against is about to be violent. Sort of a preemptive strike situation, which could definitely be abused, but I can't totally rule out as possible.

2019-03-24 22:29:00 UTC  

that works for me. the current legal system allows for that

2019-03-24 22:29:15 UTC  

the word imminent harm covers it

2019-03-24 22:36:42 UTC  

Yeah, libertarians are just wrong here

2019-03-24 22:38:01 UTC  

i dont think the libertarians are wrong. the nap can easily include this situation

2019-03-24 22:38:10 UTC  


2019-03-24 22:38:24 UTC  

our current legal system operates the same way

2019-03-24 22:39:01 UTC  

it is illegal to initiate force on someone, but it is legal to use force to prevent imminent bodily harm and/or death.

2019-03-24 22:39:17 UTC  

the key part is the word imminent

2019-03-24 22:39:28 UTC  

this allows for using force before the force is being used on you

2019-03-24 22:41:57 UTC  

this is where a lot of arguing in court would revolve around. was it actually imminent? what was the intent of the aggressor? etc. which is fine

2019-03-24 22:42:30 UTC  

maybe I'm just not creative enough in my thinking, but "imminent harm" usually means someone is already using force, right? I'd consider someone mugging me under the _threat_ of harm to have already initiated force

2019-03-24 22:42:45 UTC  

even if they've not yet harmed me

2019-03-24 22:43:01 UTC  

it means about to happen

2019-03-24 22:43:26 UTC  

so it is decided that it will happen, but the time scale is right before it actually happens.

2019-03-24 22:43:30 UTC  

mugging is theft

2019-03-24 22:43:45 UTC  

deprivation of property is illegal.

2019-03-24 22:43:53 UTC  

as well has threats of violence are illegal

2019-03-24 22:43:57 UTC  

mugging uses both

2019-03-24 22:44:30 UTC  

the person is in close prox to you and is making his intent known that if property is not given to him, then harm will be brought.

2019-03-24 22:45:27 UTC  

i think perhaps the word force might get some hung up, its really acts of aggression, and force would be a subset of that

2019-03-24 22:45:33 UTC  

I wasn't talking about what Libertarians view on interpersonal violence.
My comment about them was to how they view the state/government and every action they take as immoral acts of violence.

2019-03-24 22:45:49 UTC  

yea well thats where it gets murky imo

2019-03-24 22:46:27 UTC  

and where im not completely on board with the ancap's argument

2019-03-24 22:46:53 UTC  

that seems more AnCap territory than typical libertarian

2019-03-24 22:47:51 UTC  

Nope, i deal with both often. And while it is true that ancaps are worst, its still in the same ballpark (tho i'm not saying all libertarians view it this way).

2019-03-24 22:48:34 UTC  

imo its because libertarians encompass a massive range of views

2019-03-24 22:49:13 UTC  

and they are continuous rather than discrete

2019-03-24 22:49:34 UTC  

one idea I've been mulling for a while that might cover that scenario is "if there's such a thing as justifiable homicide, could there also be justifiable theft?" Defining exactly what that is might get tricky, but I think it leaves room for a minimal government even if you consider taxes theft

2019-03-24 22:50:23 UTC  


2019-03-24 22:50:38 UTC  

still not sure if it really holds any water, but there it is

2019-03-24 22:51:36 UTC  

you would have to come up with another term for theft that is justifiable. such as acquisition of property that is not yours

2019-03-24 22:51:51 UTC  

such as to cover a debt

2019-03-24 22:52:07 UTC  

instead of money, you take property of value

2019-03-24 22:52:12 UTC  

and then work up from there

2019-03-24 22:52:42 UTC  

in the same idea that homicide is the killing of a human, but murder is the illegal killing of a human

2019-03-24 22:54:35 UTC  

If you have a large populist, they always end up forming some kind of state, in order to run this form of state, you need funds from the people inhabiting it (to what degree is where we can debate). Any cries out that taxes are theft means you don't understand humans and need to learn more.

2019-03-24 22:55:56 UTC  

right, thats why the no gov argument always seemed shaky to me