Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 574582499217506315

2019-05-04 15:15:00 UTC  

Anyway @Shadows I'm interested to hear your thoughts since it seems like you track the subject more.

2019-05-04 15:23:02 UTC  

I'll take a look at it.

2019-05-04 17:30:06 UTC  

@grant The first video, the beginning and the end were bad (and a few points in between). The beginning was when Peterson still didn't understand what males have to deal with in today's society, and while he wasn't totally wrong, he has learned a lot since those school lectures. The ending, based on the 2nd video seems to be going to what the next group of men are saying. Most of the clips played of the other males talking didn't seem like they understood the problem, as it seems like they are just males who are already stuck in this ever growing feminized (she even seem to take offence when he said that word) world. Its good if they are being genuine and that guy in the 2nd video was very good (showing her what the difference is when a female is telling you something they want vs a father figure), but i'm not looking forward to that 3rd video.

Its also kind of sad reading all the comments under the videos, yes its good that someone from a place like The Guardian is listening to the other side, you shouldn't just dive head first into praising this because no one knows where it will lead them. The UK has some men's organisations, run by feminist/women's group's. Merely to "teach" men to be "better" (for the sake of women), so many men are just happy to nod and agree. HBR did another video about that kind of thing yesterday.

2019-05-04 17:30:13 UTC  
2019-05-04 19:01:40 UTC  
2019-05-04 19:03:11 UTC  

This was such a foolish understanding of anyone's position in that "debate".

2019-05-04 19:43:17 UTC  

@Shadows be a chap, what's the TL;DR, I can't sit for 25 minutes right now

2019-05-04 19:48:11 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn Don't you mean 12mins? I watch things at 2x.
But its nothing really new, doesn't understand Peterson's position so thinks ZIZEK (i don't know how you spell that) had the upper hand (tho he didn't). His main point was he thinks people can deal with society while working on themselves (saying you can do both). And while its true some people can, its not really what you want the masses doing...

2019-05-04 19:56:57 UTC  

I'm always doing multiple things at once, so 2x isn't an option for me.

2019-05-04 20:05:24 UTC  


2019-05-04 20:05:53 UTC  

If its something i really want to listen to i go to 1.25x.

2019-05-04 21:26:33 UTC  

"So touched by this project, I named it Joe Biden"😂

2019-05-04 22:16:22 UTC  

I ought to show this to my kid. He likes the original version, and it's never too early to teach him about government waste.

2019-05-05 12:52:52 UTC  

Brand New Video! Responding to #BurgerKing weird ad campaign in association with Mental Health America. Using the slogan #FeelYourWay

2019-05-05 13:04:12 UTC  
2019-05-05 13:05:43 UTC  

Procter and Gamble won't stop lol.

2019-05-05 14:55:01 UTC  

Loomer keeps looking like she's wearing a wig for some reason

2019-05-05 16:28:46 UTC  

I fundmentaly disagree with most of this.

2019-05-05 16:31:54 UTC  

Why's that?

2019-05-05 16:49:07 UTC  

He says somethings i agree with about companies not being great or letting you fix things (maybe a few other small points). But people don't just have a right to any product, you don't need these things. If a company can't or won't give you a service/product worth you to pay for, it doesn't mean you get to steal it...

2019-05-05 16:55:11 UTC  

The exception to this tho is you want to pay for something, but there is no possible way to do so, say country restrictions or what not.

2019-05-05 17:58:10 UTC  

Didn't see the video on it, but heard people talking about that nonsense commercial.

2019-05-05 18:01:20 UTC  

At least the comments are great lol.

2019-05-05 18:02:47 UTC  

I will get the scoop of this with my daily dose of Tim Pool.

2019-05-05 18:04:44 UTC  

How many scoops will you go for, Are you like Trump?

2019-05-05 21:01:45 UTC  

I absolutely hate the idea that people have these days where they are entitled to pirate something just because they don't want to pay for it. "I don't like this video game company's business practices, so I think I'll just pirate the game." That's not how this works, you fucking millennial!

2019-05-05 21:02:13 UTC  

And more than the piracy itself, I hate how proud of themselves people like that are in announcing they are going to pirate.

2019-05-05 21:21:44 UTC  

paying for things is white supremacy

2019-05-05 21:22:07 UTC  
2019-05-05 22:10:01 UTC  

@wolfman1911 Indeed.