Message from @aguyyouknow

Discord ID: 581699914556506112

2019-05-24 13:03:52 UTC  

Tommy is a bit heavy into the Zionist schtick.

2019-05-24 15:25:35 UTC  
2019-05-24 16:26:57 UTC  

*"Theresa May RESIGNS, Right Wing Populists See HUGE Victory As Brexit Party Surges"*
That she resigned per se is unimpressive, but populists already declaring a victory **IS** important.

2019-05-24 16:59:59 UTC  
2019-05-24 17:09:36 UTC  

@yuma_8, ¿why did you inflict this crime against humanity upon us?

2019-05-24 17:10:53 UTC  

To convince everyone that women shouldn’t be in politics

2019-05-24 17:22:36 UTC  

Less feelings.

2019-05-24 17:31:37 UTC  


2019-05-24 21:26:25 UTC  


2019-05-24 21:26:31 UTC  

the delivery is great

2019-05-25 02:46:24 UTC  
2019-05-25 03:40:31 UTC  

An old friends mother who i know posted this... im not sure how this ammounts to anything

2019-05-25 04:04:20 UTC  

@Mystic axe
That's fine by me... I hate Skittles anyways.
Moving on...
1. They spelt illegal wrong.
2. Show me a case in the last 2Ø years where the cops acted wrongfully. I'll wait.
3. Who wouldn't be shit if the staff were armed- Like they were when I was in school.
4. So... ¿Treatment? ¿Maybe? Just saying...
5. I'm a tax payer, I work, I was homeless and I ***STILL*** don't have coverage, but sure whatever...
6. Ya. Because their parents were laid off due to Barack's economic policies.

*Until you demonstrate through your words, actions, and the policies you support that you* don't want to make homeless children so you can starve then to death, you probably shouldn't be lecturing the rest of us about "control."
Death cults are notoriously unreliable.

2019-05-25 04:06:03 UTC  

So you can't just copy and paste it in by accident, there is ***ONE*** case where the cops was convicted- It's still a contentious conviction, he was convicted of being a white cop, not of murder.

2019-05-25 04:27:36 UTC  

what about that cop that shot the dude that he had commanded to get on the ground, and the guy in question was?

2019-05-25 04:27:47 UTC  

I think it happened somewhere in NM?

2019-05-25 04:28:07 UTC  

it was one that Blonde and Matt covered pretty extensively when it happened

2019-05-25 04:28:58 UTC  

also, the female cop that shot a guy in his own apartment because she had supposedly gotten confused and thought he was breaking into her apartment (but she had instead gone into his apartment thinking it was hers). Admittedly, not on duty, but still - an officer none the less

2019-05-25 04:29:35 UTC  

it's stupid to say "there's no examples of this; the police are perfect!" because there will ALWAYS be examples of that not being the case, either due to incompetence or individual corruption (or in the case of some departments, department level corruption)

2019-05-25 04:29:53 UTC  

it's not _nearly_ as prolific as the left makes it out to be, however. That is definitely certain

2019-05-25 04:30:17 UTC  

anyway, I think a better argument is that it's a false equivalence

2019-05-25 04:30:37 UTC  

all of the things that the post included are things that would require heavy amounts of tax payer money to even ATTEMPT to resolve

2019-05-25 04:31:20 UTC  

(though, most of them would be better handled through teaching people how to interact with the police and guns in general, in the case of 2 and 3, or by local charities, in the case 4,5, and 6)

2019-05-25 04:32:00 UTC  

1 is like... ok, so they're telling us that we should be spending tax payer money on helping people who came into the country by bypassing our immigration system?

2019-05-25 04:32:10 UTC  

that argument is fucking insane

2019-05-25 04:33:07 UTC  

@Mystic axe
1. no ones saying kill them
2. I didn't know people were pro-killing kids and for cops killing **innocent** people
3. just because you disagree with a different policy about protecting schools doesn't make that person pro school shootings
4. I haven't heard people saying they want to go around killing down drug addicts
5. just because they don't believe in socialized medicine doesn't make them pro killing people
6. Food stamps exist and so do charities that doesn't make someone pro-killing poor people

2019-05-25 04:34:38 UTC  

(yeah, I know it's CBS, but it's the first place I was able to find it)

2019-05-25 04:36:13 UTC  

^that one is bad

2019-05-25 04:36:26 UTC  

I didn't see people saying they were in favor of that one

2019-05-25 04:36:33 UTC  

I know, and I agree, grant

2019-05-25 04:36:57 UTC  

I'm saying that Mandatory Carry saying "Show me a case in the last 2Ø years where the cops acted wrongfully. I'll wait." is a really REALLY poor argument

2019-05-25 04:37:16 UTC  

cops are humans, and there are some that are evil people, or stupid people, or incompetent people, just like literally everyone else in the world

2019-05-25 04:37:33 UTC  

claiming that there are no instances of cops doing the wrong thing is just a very flimsy argument

2019-05-25 04:38:26 UTC  

yeah, he probably meant more like what I was saying. No ones for the cops killing people without justification (self defense or saving someone else they think is in danger)

2019-05-25 04:38:58 UTC  

this was something she liked on facebook and decided to share she didnt write it. though she does belive in the things stated and so do her kids who i grew up with unfortnatly