Message from @grant

Discord ID: 581906490705575946

2019-05-25 04:39:37 UTC  

@Mystic axe No.2 is false. No one has a heartbeat if they've been killed

2019-05-25 04:39:40 UTC  

and is just going to turn people away from your points, because they're recognize that it's hyperbolic

2019-05-25 04:44:34 UTC  

All of this fawning bullshit is actually making me racist, sexist and homophobic. Can't be islamophobic though, not until it's actually irrational to fear what islmaists might do.

2019-05-25 06:20:05 UTC  


2019-05-25 07:05:02 UTC  
2019-05-25 07:36:26 UTC  

Don't forget the Roof Koreans, they had to fight because cops abandoned them.

2019-05-25 07:36:52 UTC  

Chicago and LA are also cesspits of police corruption.

2019-05-25 07:37:16 UTC  

95+% of cops are good people, but bad cops are concentrated in certain cities.

2019-05-25 12:27:40 UTC  

David Wood is a straight g

2019-05-25 13:07:43 UTC  

Leftists truly believe that if you disagree with their hyper partisan policies that you're evil, or at least don't support good things.

It's like they have the mental capacity of a 6 year old. They would be the first people to step in line and advocate for a modern crusades.

2019-05-25 13:22:15 UTC  

@Mystic axe
1. Deportation isn’t murder. To make that claim you would have to admit that Central American countries are crap holes, which the left won’t do.

2. Yep, every now and then a cop does murder; however, that doesn’t justify murdering someone else. Plus, that only happens a handful of times compared to the 100,000s of unjustifiable abortions.

3. Nobody advocates for school shootings and school shootings are uncommon events. Again, this is maybe 100 or so kids per year vs the 100,000s of unjustifiable abortions.

4. What are they arguing here? Who advocates for not saving people from ODs?

5. Yeah. This is a total non-point to me. It demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of overall health and the healthcare industry.

6. Going to bed hungry isn’t starving to death. So what’s your point? Addressing general discomfort is more important that preventing murder?

Pro life people have done far more to help these children than any pro choice people ever have. So I don’t want to hear it from them. This whole list is just strawmans and goalpost shifting.

2019-05-25 13:23:16 UTC  

well I believe commies are evil and that a return helicopter tour is too good for them

2019-05-25 14:16:01 UTC  

it's on the commie to prove to me that they aren't evil

2019-05-25 16:17:56 UTC  

¿Was? ¿He? ¿Convited? (And it was Arizona btw.)
No human is perfect. But the SHAVER incident isn't the case you wanna try to hide behind. Ironically I know the one you want to hide behind... I even alluded to it.

2019-05-25 16:24:48 UTC  

"was he convicted" is a really poor argument to make. If you're going to use that logic here, then you have to use the same when discussing Jussie Smollett's case. The video evidence LOOKS bad for the officer, even if he was arguably justified in shooting the guy. And again, considering that we're talking about trying to debunk the ideas made in that post, you will get very few (if any) people agreeing with your point by taking such a hardline stance like this

2019-05-25 16:30:52 UTC  

You're dodging and we both know why.
The officer in Tempe (BRAILSFORD btw) e was charged and exhonorated.
SMOLLETT wasn't even charged; He had charges prefferred, but the corrupt DA chose not to charge.
¿You wanna try putting apples in that basket of apples now?

2019-05-25 16:36:16 UTC  
2019-05-25 16:56:32 UTC  

... You realize what Lauren did was piracy, ¿right?

2019-05-25 18:08:16 UTC  

Is Trudeau in the Philippines?

2019-05-25 18:08:38 UTC  

Oh they mean literal garbage.

2019-05-25 18:17:00 UTC  


2019-05-25 18:17:03 UTC  

womp womp

2019-05-25 21:12:48 UTC  

She was out in the Med "documenting illrgal immigration boats" when she ordered her coxswain to "get closer, get closer." She got close enough to create a risk of collision (*"CBDR,* aka *"ramming"*).

2019-05-25 21:25:19 UTC  

Trudeau = Trash

2019-05-25 21:25:24 UTC  

TT boi's.

2019-05-26 04:52:19 UTC  


2019-05-26 17:17:56 UTC  
2019-05-26 17:30:54 UTC  

^One of the best channels for trad American food.

2019-05-27 03:46:09 UTC  

When Mark gets arrested, he's already got people lining up to bail his ass out. 😂😂😂😂

2019-05-27 03:59:35 UTC  

he's got like over 100Kpounds to pay, that's if he didn't blow it yet

2019-05-27 04:08:11 UTC  

I thought that was over. I heard the government just reached into his bank account and took the money.

2019-05-27 04:13:07 UTC  

they took 800 pounds