Message from @Mystic axe

Discord ID: 585633234080104461

2019-06-04 21:03:21 UTC  
2019-06-04 21:05:29 UTC  

don't do that. Let the mentally disabled people yell at the sky

2019-06-04 21:18:18 UTC  

popping their balloons validates their hate

2019-06-04 21:30:20 UTC  

Fuck it, it's past time to start tearing some statues down... Starting with the kind made of plastic.

2019-06-04 21:48:47 UTC  

If you're interested,

2019-06-04 22:52:12 UTC  
2019-06-04 22:53:15 UTC  

@Deleted User I used to be really optimistic about star citizen. My optimism is completely burned out now. It's basically a more buggy version of a truck driver simulator but with less to do.

2019-06-04 22:59:41 UTC  
2019-06-04 22:59:43 UTC  


2019-06-04 23:01:31 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz That's fine. Wait and see what it looks like when it's done.

2019-06-04 23:03:31 UTC  

@Deleted User if it gets done... They've burned through more cash than any other video game and their marketing budget that I can think of.

2019-06-04 23:03:56 UTC  

They're hitting record highs for revenue.

2019-06-04 23:04:20 UTC  

Don't listen to the click bait journo's.

2019-06-04 23:14:51 UTC  

I've been looking at their own financial records. It really doesn't look pretty. I rarely ever trust journo's. For 250 million dollars the game isn't nearly as developed as it should be. Eventually people will stop buying ships and CIG will be SOL.

2019-06-04 23:28:59 UTC  

Thought it was gonna be corny BS but then it gave me the feels

2019-06-05 00:05:39 UTC  
2019-06-05 00:41:48 UTC  

I think I posted this a few days ago. It's a good video.

2019-06-05 01:51:56 UTC  

Damn that's good

2019-06-05 02:11:09 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz Their YoY earnings have been rising for five straight years, and this year is set to be their biggest earning year ever. They aren't out of money. That's just click bait rag journos fucking with you.

2019-06-05 02:12:41 UTC  

I worded that wrong, but you know what I mean.

2019-06-05 03:11:13 UTC  

@Deleted User
No you didn't. You put it perfectly.

2019-06-05 04:08:09 UTC  

This is why I hate religion

2019-06-05 04:09:27 UTC  

The mega ‘church’ pastors and prosperity gospel hucksters are absolutely a stain.

2019-06-05 04:17:05 UTC  

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

2019-06-05 04:17:33 UTC  

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

2019-06-05 04:18:08 UTC  

For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

2019-06-05 04:18:30 UTC  

Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord.

2019-06-05 04:18:40 UTC  

It's not like we weren't warned.

2019-06-05 04:33:06 UTC  

@Deleted User I'm not overly concerned with the amount of money they're making. It's with the amount they're spending compared to the amount of progress that is made.

2019-06-05 04:34:58 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz I'm not gonna try to convert you. You'll see the ads around when it launches. Check it out then and see if you're interested.

2019-06-05 04:38:44 UTC
Truthfully, the Garand was pretty much obsolete as soon as it took to the feild, but it was the most advanced ***STANDARD*** infantry rifle of the war, and second overall (the M-2 and MG-43/44 tied as the most advanced, with the M-2 edging out the -43/44 as more reliable and easier to mass produce).

2019-06-05 04:51:07 UTC place your bets, I'm going with CP

2019-06-05 05:03:57 UTC  

nah, not CP. Aust has some super draconian laws regarding "national security"
"national security" is so broadly defined that it includes whistleblowing and even mentioning that an investigation on whistleblowing is going on. Assange has a snowflake's chance in hell of not being grabbed by them

2019-06-05 05:08:59 UTC  

if it was CP, it would have been regular cops