Message from @IDontHaveAIDSBro

Discord ID: 586728838575161344

2019-06-07 23:29:49 UTC  

they "deserve more" fucking hell imagine the entitlement
noone deserves dick

2019-06-08 00:34:05 UTC  

ĀæIs anyone NOT mad at the little faggot at this point?

2019-06-08 00:50:25 UTC  

Young Rippa. Who else learned about him through FreedomToons?

2019-06-08 00:56:01 UTC  
2019-06-08 01:13:39 UTC  
2019-06-08 01:20:37 UTC  

I love how they complain about how expensive our care is. Well, if it wasnt so god damn heavily regulated and companies weren't spending an averagr of 3 billion per drug due to regulation mayne just maybe it would be cheaper.

2019-06-08 01:23:14 UTC  

I also like how we are jist supposed to be okay with taxes to help the smaller amount of people without health insurance. Soooo I have to give even more money to help people who want other people to pay for it because reasons lol.

Why dont they just redesign a public health option that helps poor people and let insurance companies actually compete to lower prices for those that already can afford it

2019-06-08 01:23:27 UTC  

Its a telling story that i drive to Mexico for dental care, now how does a dentist in Mexico deliver the same services, with newer technology than i get in america

2019-06-08 01:24:08 UTC  

We already have a public health option for people

2019-06-08 01:24:47 UTC  

Ita the people that aren't truly poor but have other life priorities (and as more risk tolerant) that don't have coveragr

2019-06-08 01:25:31 UTC  

The fight is realky over an individuals right to take risk as it relates to their own life

2019-06-08 01:26:00 UTC  

I love the "medicare is the most popular" well UK plan is still really "popular" even after slews of cancelled surgeries and letting Alfie Evans just die instead of letting him travel elsewhere

2019-06-08 01:26:14 UTC  

Popular doesnt mean good.

2019-06-08 01:26:53 UTC  

Medicare is the most popular government program, they are comparing it to medicaid and the va

2019-06-08 01:27:06 UTC  

Ya lol

2019-06-08 01:28:05 UTC  

Pakman "its so dumb that people say America is too big for Single Payer, larger tax base more tax to fund" ummmm its also incredibly more expensive dummy

2019-06-08 01:28:10 UTC  

I live in a good va district, my fathrr lives in the next ba district and its a shit show, one of the big problems with va is no consistency

2019-06-08 01:28:45 UTC  

My buddy has been dealing with the VA for years. Suddenly cutting his benefits without notifying him lol

2019-06-08 01:28:57 UTC  

Its also very challenging to navigate, because they aren't marketing services. Basically you can get all the help you need if you know what and who to ask

2019-06-08 01:30:42 UTC  

Bigger doesnt mean better, every economics grad knows that the bigger the company the less flexible it becomes, its a balance between flexibility and economies of scale

2019-06-08 01:30:56 UTC  

I'm also not too sure about this care puts people into bankruptcy so often.

My dad had a 30,000 bill. We obviously couldnt just pay that. We worked it down close to like 12 grand and went on a payment plan.

I realize not everyone can pay such things but maybe it wouldnt be 2000 a night in a hospital if hospitals had to compete and didnt have enormous regulation to deal with

2019-06-08 01:31:41 UTC  

Also the VA is not held liable for malpractice, which is good from of a cost savings perspective, sucks as an incentive to provide high quality service

2019-06-08 01:31:42 UTC  

Oh ya "Robert Reich-single payer would have greater economies of scale". In what way lol

2019-06-08 01:32:41 UTC  

Also there are true insurance programs out there you can use and are cheaper

2019-06-08 01:33:00 UTC  

Ya, if they cant keep the post office from hemorrhaging money and the single payer programs they already have from being inconsistent crap, how on earth would it work cheaper and more efficient

2019-06-08 01:34:25 UTC  

I believe medicare for all is a means to hide the fact that medicare is failing and the politicans have ignored it to long. Basically reboot the system amd start again without taking credit for the failure

2019-06-08 01:34:25 UTC  

šŸ†™ | **Putz leveled up!**

2019-06-08 01:35:54 UTC  

I also think the blue states want it because they have commited to big retirement programs that include healthcare. Moving that obligation to the fed is a way to reduce their unfunded liabilities

2019-06-08 01:36:05 UTC  

Its literally a bailout for california

2019-06-08 01:36:09 UTC  

They just want votes because its the highest polled issue for election right now. They want it so they can take out Trump.

If he was smart he would authorize a beginning of repair for medicare and get on top of it before the election

2019-06-08 01:36:59 UTC  

Just like hus is a bailout to the big cities, small communities have to deal with their own poor people, big cities get subsidized through hud

2019-06-08 01:37:20 UTC  

Denver voted no on it because surprisingly

A. People didnt want more taxes

B. It wouldn't fund Abortions.

So they won't enact it at state level all over abortion and

2019-06-08 01:37:32 UTC  

Trump won't repair it, he ran on universal healthcare

2019-06-08 01:37:43 UTC  

Colorado was like nah dude. Vermont the same

2019-06-08 01:37:47 UTC  

He just wants obamas name off it

2019-06-08 01:37:53 UTC  


2019-06-08 01:38:15 UTC  

Even jake tapper was like "Bernie how in the world are you gonna pay for this".

2019-06-08 01:39:10 UTC  

Trump focused his campaign on the issues ofĀ fair trade, eliminating theĀ national debt, and achievingĀ universal healthcareĀ as outlined in the campaign companion pieceĀ The America We Deserve, released in January 2000

2019-06-08 01:39:26 UTC  

Its atleast 3.2 trillion per year which is more than total tax revenue so now you have to raise taxes on everyone and it's supposed to "save" 5 trillion over 10 years.

2019-06-08 01:39:54 UTC  

2trillion in 10 years, not 5

2019-06-08 01:40:01 UTC  

They can take the white house as long as we keep the senate and take the House back