Message from @Bowman151

Discord ID: 594996887287758858

2019-06-30 17:39:15 UTC  

As cathartic as it might be to see some antifa loons get a comeuppance, I'm going to suggest not getting involved.

2019-06-30 17:42:06 UTC  

That sounds familiar...

2019-06-30 17:46:18 UTC  


2019-06-30 17:47:23 UTC  

Not getting arrested for starting shit with antifascist fascists is now literally appeasing Hitler. We are really through the looking glass here, boys.

2019-06-30 17:51:08 UTC  

Seems I've heard ***THAT***one before, too...
Because I said it... Just last week.

2019-06-30 17:55:03 UTC  

@wolfman1911 How can i appease Hitler if i am *Literally* him.

2019-06-30 18:13:34 UTC  


2019-06-30 18:31:27 UTC  
2019-06-30 18:44:19 UTC  

Saving that one off line. (I finally caught up...)

2019-06-30 19:53:48 UTC  
2019-06-30 20:16:57 UTC  

De Queen noh da wae!

2019-06-30 20:19:08 UTC  
2019-06-30 20:19:39 UTC  

how is Team 10 wrong?

2019-06-30 20:19:47 UTC  

The one on the left is pretty good

2019-06-30 20:20:02 UTC  

Because it california

2019-06-30 20:23:51 UTC  

By pretty good, i think you meant terrible right? :)

2019-06-30 20:35:17 UTC  

I would think it was a woman if not for this knowledge. Most trannies I see do not pass in the slightest

2019-06-30 20:37:41 UTC  

Trannies are probably the worst case of "toxic masculinity" in the sense of feeling entitled to sex

2019-06-30 20:45:51 UTC  

Jesus, how did the country get so retarded.

2019-06-30 20:53:27 UTC  

Women got the vote, remember?

2019-06-30 21:05:12 UTC  

I don’t know who team 10 is but I agree with them on this point.

2019-06-30 21:06:29 UTC  

Hey man, the problem isn't women's suffrage, it's universal suffrage.

2019-06-30 21:06:40 UTC  

There's plenty of men who don't deserve to vote either.

2019-06-30 21:06:58 UTC  

Unrelated but I’ve been watching Metokur’s Deviants series and now I think I want the internet abolished.

2019-06-30 21:07:35 UTC  

Or a purge of sorts... in Minecraft.

2019-06-30 21:11:58 UTC  

nothing good ever comes from watching metokur lol.

2019-06-30 21:16:53 UTC  

Metokur is terrible.

2019-06-30 21:17:13 UTC  

True. The videos do highlight that I may have greatly underestimated the amount of people with some kind of autism.

2019-06-30 21:17:44 UTC  

oh for sure

2019-06-30 21:17:57 UTC  

he really milks those autists too

2019-06-30 21:18:17 UTC  

@wolfman1911 lol that was a joke, i don't in fact hate women having the vote (even tho they should have the same responsibility as men), as i also think universal suffrage is a good thing, but i think we went over that before :)

2019-06-30 21:18:19 UTC  

makes you wish their mom would unplug their router sometimes

2019-06-30 21:19:59 UTC  

Makes me wish more people would have spent time parenting.

2019-06-30 21:20:14 UTC  

And also take away their internet.

2019-06-30 21:20:34 UTC  

And i wish humans weren't human.

2019-06-30 21:22:53 UTC  

absolutely with the parenting

2019-06-30 21:23:23 UTC  

it would save these ppl a lot of social ostracization

2019-06-30 21:23:53 UTC  

Some of their fetishes are assuredly not human. And certainly some kind of sign of arrested development or mental deficiency that has been allowed to proliferate from an overly permissive and decadent society.

2019-06-30 21:25:27 UTC  

with those professional psychiatric help would do wonders.

2019-06-30 21:26:19 UTC  

If a human is capable of almost anything, why wouldn't any action a human takes not be human? (no matter how absurd)

2019-06-30 21:27:54 UTC  

he means that it is outside the range of normal, healthy behavior