Message from @Clive

Discord ID: 620481424855924746

2019-09-08 22:43:57 UTC  

> Trump Hilariously Trolls Press With CAT MEME, And Yes, They Are Outraged

2019-09-08 23:02:48 UTC  
2019-09-08 23:06:06 UTC  

I won't get your mouth banned.
Oh ¿my partner? Ya, ***SHE** gives fewer fucks than I do.
Seriously, you should be thanking me... For protecting you from ***HER.*** 🤣🤣🤣🤣

2019-09-08 23:07:14 UTC  


Now, read it again. Slowly... If you can stop laughing that is...

2019-09-09 02:47:58 UTC  

Old but lol

2019-09-09 03:27:13 UTC  

watching the Tulsi interview now, I wonder how she'd do if she said fuck it and didn't even bother going in the debates and just run as an independent and say fuck the DNC
I bet she'd probably do good numbers just doing social media and avoiding the mainstream

2019-09-09 03:57:07 UTC  

I'd love to see Jane FONDA Jr. going against Donny.

2019-09-09 04:18:35 UTC  

controversial Tulsi is pro Pineapple on Pizza

2019-09-09 04:21:34 UTC  

On this we agree

2019-09-09 04:21:45 UTC  

I do too but I'm contrarian

2019-09-09 04:21:51 UTC  

Wtf I love Tulsi now

2019-09-09 04:22:26 UTC  

she comes off well in this interview for the most part

2019-09-09 04:23:01 UTC  

reparations are the biggest thing I disagree with her on

2019-09-09 04:24:42 UTC  

she's 38 so she'd be the youngest candidate right?

2019-09-09 04:25:19 UTC  

she's only a couple years older than me and running for president, what am I doing with my life?

2019-09-09 04:50:33 UTC  

Well you're Australian so theres that

2019-09-09 04:51:39 UTC  

Ive watched about half the Rubin Tulsi interview
At first I was think that she was saying things I agreed with. But as I kept watching I kept thinking... these are Republican talking points

2019-09-09 05:05:26 UTC  

she'd been better off running in 2024 as a Republican

2019-09-09 05:44:50 UTC  

Reperations, free health care for illegals, assault weapons ban wtf is wrong with you people? How many of you are fans of Biden just cause he opposed bussing? I would rather have my children send to the middle east than to inner city schools.

2019-09-09 05:46:20 UTC  

Just cause someone is kinda not bad on one single issue doesnt change that they are shit over all.

2019-09-09 05:49:29 UTC  

The more I listen to her the less I like her. I guess I thought I liked her but when you compare her to Bernie and Kamala and Buttgeig and Warren yeah she LOOKS like a saint but she's not.

2019-09-09 05:50:42 UTC  

Yeah they are the worst. How does the DNC always find these people?

2019-09-09 05:51:44 UTC  

The DNC is garbage

2019-09-09 05:51:55 UTC  

I mean, the RNC isn't much better

2019-09-09 05:54:12 UTC  

Idk, I know what I believe but no one I've seen matches what I believe 100% or even 80% so it's easy to feel defeated

2019-09-09 12:17:56 UTC  

Tulsi is just a meme like Yang. Her anti-regime change wars stance is the only good point to her. Her stance on everything else is batshit crazy like the rest of them. Stop thinking with your weird fetished dicks.

2019-09-09 12:28:55 UTC  

sad but true 😦

2019-09-09 12:29:04 UTC  

some of the other stuff she is for is pure progressive shit

2019-09-09 12:30:02 UTC  

She hales from a state that has less gun rights than California

2019-09-09 12:30:13 UTC  

that right there is flag

2019-09-09 12:30:52 UTC  

The Yang memes always seemed a little forced to me. There might have been some good ones in the beginning, but then a lot of spergs tried to repeat 2016 Meme Magic because it was a fun time, but it couldnt just be repeated. Also the yang campaign people thought they could do a 2016 and tried to push that meme shit. Pretty pathetic and weak memes since then.

2019-09-09 12:37:06 UTC  

The popularity of people like yang and gabbard on the right just shows that the right wing is infected with a lot if left wingers who joined the right once the left antagonised them as white males. These people arent interested in right wing principles, but are just looking for someone to get them the goodies. They can talk about how bad the left is all day, but the second some progressive waves a thousand bucks in their face they dont give a damn about principles anymore.

2019-09-09 12:42:43 UTC  

The so called 'original' right hasn't given a damn about elected republicans lying their ass off or stabbing them in the back for 30 years ether, so it's something a bit deeper IMO

2019-09-09 12:42:44 UTC  

that or they aren't right wing
the closest I come to right wing is a general libertarian bent

2019-09-09 12:46:42 UTC  

Tulsi is no where near as bad as any of the other Dem candidates
the reason I always say she's the Dem's best candidate to take Trump is because like Trump she's generally against war, patriotic and not a complete radical or panderer

2019-09-09 12:48:35 UTC  

Free healthcare for illegals patriotism?