Message from @Avald

Discord ID: 620616781609959435

2019-09-09 13:01:06 UTC  


2019-09-09 13:01:12 UTC  

Pepe did it

2019-09-09 13:01:16 UTC  

Yang just isn't as fun as Trump

2019-09-09 13:06:33 UTC  

Yang doesn't generate the memes like Trump does, so of course it would seem forced

2019-09-09 13:08:25 UTC  

Virgin Yang vs the Chad Trump

2019-09-09 13:11:27 UTC  

@wolfman1911 A big internet following like Trumps could help Yang to raise his national profile and get to the end of the democratic primaries which is the first big hurdle for unknown presidential candidates. Voters only really start looking into the candidates plans once ther are only 3 or 4 left, so unknown candidates dont get that many votes in the beginning because noone even knows what they stand for. So not that stupid if it could be made to occur naturally.

2019-09-09 13:32:01 UTC  

@Lord Zedd She wasnt on stage, but she has co sponsored the Medicare for All Act of 2019 which seems to include "undocumented" immigrants

2019-09-09 13:38:12 UTC  

@A. Spader I think the "original" right has always been very critical of the establishment, its just that we dont remember all the bad blood of past elections, but only see the next election which is the most important election of our lifetime and the infighting connected to that. Anyway whatever you wanna say about the original right not being vigilant enough, at least they are on the right. The solution to elected Republicans voting like leftist in congress cant be just to elect leftists.

2019-09-09 13:40:13 UTC  

the problem is so many republicans who got elected *were* leftists

2019-09-09 13:40:23 UTC  

John McCain never gave a shit about freedom

2019-09-09 13:40:29 UTC  

Lol at all these non Americans carrying about American politics like its a cutesy wittle game

2019-09-09 13:43:51 UTC  

well american politics do affect the world , for better or worse

2019-09-09 13:44:33 UTC  

because i certainly don't trust my gov or worse, the EU to actually be an opponent to china

2019-09-09 13:44:35 UTC  

well Aus politics are kind of boring right now, we've had the same PM for a few months now that's pretty boring

2019-09-09 13:45:58 UTC  

US has Trump and the UK has a complete cluster fuck with Brexit much more interesting to talk about

2019-09-09 13:46:35 UTC  

exactly once a culture war issue is decided in the US its just adopted in western countries around the world without objection. At least without objection if the left has won. The tranny kids and pedo stuff will be decided in the US and just imported to the rest of us.

2019-09-09 13:47:29 UTC  

sad but true 😦 the tranny stuff is already being imported and implemented

2019-09-09 13:47:53 UTC  

i remember when we got told that it wasn't a slippery slope

2019-09-09 13:48:01 UTC  

honestly on the cultural front I'd say Canada is ahead of the US for a lot of the crazy shit

2019-09-09 13:48:12 UTC  

Also if there are no legitimate right wingers in your country you kind of have to look to the US if you ever wanna feel like your side has won

2019-09-09 13:49:31 UTC  

thing is, i got the AFD in my country, and they are willing to turn on more coal burners, just to spite the left.. like dude no, campaign about how ineffective any effort on germany would be to combat co2 emissions, since germany is responsible for less than 2% worldwide

2019-09-09 13:49:45 UTC  

you german?

2019-09-09 13:49:48 UTC  


2019-09-09 13:49:53 UTC  

lol me too

2019-09-09 13:49:57 UTC  


2019-09-09 13:50:11 UTC  


2019-09-09 13:50:14 UTC  

i'm bw

2019-09-09 13:50:20 UTC  


2019-09-09 13:51:59 UTC  

but you get my point, >2% is fuckall on a global scale, you can half that and wow you decreased co2 emissions by like 0.8 percent or whatever, big whoop, and you made no effort on making green tech actually viable to 3rd world countries

2019-09-09 13:52:12 UTC  

also shutting down nuclear by 2024 big RIP

2019-09-09 13:53:00 UTC  

lol y'all actually got the green new deal

2019-09-09 13:53:32 UTC  

wenigstens haben CDU und SPD und vor allem die Linke in Sachsen und Brandenburg ordentlich geblutet 🙂

2019-09-09 13:54:31 UTC  

i think they didn't do anything about the planes, but i seriously don't get how these people think that changing just a bit about their country will do this whole global impact... like dude no, you want global impact? you make green tech, or "brown" tech at least viable for 3rd world countries so that they don't rely on coal

2019-09-09 13:54:37 UTC  

china is building more coal plants

2019-09-09 13:54:45 UTC  

africa is doing the same

2019-09-09 13:54:48 UTC  

I wish we had nuclear here, for some reason we have no problem digging up uranium and selling it but god forbid we use it ourselves

2019-09-09 13:55:59 UTC  

its all too much reactionary action for me, you want to have an actual impact, think it through and choose the most optimal path, not the one that sounds good and appeals to dumb voters

2019-09-09 13:58:05 UTC  

coal plants in africa are still more efficient than people burning cow poop

2019-09-09 13:58:17 UTC  

it certainly is xD

2019-09-09 13:58:49 UTC  

Maybe I'm naive, but I dont see how American politics affects anyone in other countries directly except that you want them to so you let them. I mean, I dont care about your politics except in a metaphysical moral sense and they dont affect me. I mean federal US bullshit barely affects me and I am an American

2019-09-09 13:59:31 UTC  

this is what these elitsts don't get, people in need will not care where their salvation comes from, they will choose the most convenient one asap

us politics affect the economy, anything touching the economy affects politics elsewhere