Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 645663427901128713

2019-11-17 05:13:44 UTC  

the watermelon party(green on the outside, red on the inside) has been blocking controlled burns and now they blame the severity on carbon

2019-11-17 06:44:37 UTC  

This reminds me....that the left has gone so far bonkers they would probably try and smear Mr. Rogers today.

2019-11-17 06:49:09 UTC  

I mean, he WAS christian

2019-11-17 06:49:11 UTC  

so they most definitely would

2019-11-17 06:49:27 UTC  

also a cis white male

2019-11-17 06:51:28 UTC  

Wonder how he was in real life

2019-11-17 06:51:38 UTC  

apparently like on the show

2019-11-17 06:51:46 UTC  

according to the video I linked

2019-11-17 06:52:15 UTC  

oh, I didn't watch it was just thinking about it

2019-11-17 07:10:39 UTC  

If he were still around today the SJW crowd would label him a creepy pedo.
I grew up watching Mr. Rogers every day after school

2019-11-17 15:20:33 UTC  

800 gorillion

2019-11-17 15:22:30 UTC  


2019-11-17 16:31:55 UTC  

*Are you Tibetan?*

2019-11-17 16:31:58 UTC  

I could be. -Local Biker

2019-11-17 16:32:43 UTC  

*"I find this highly offensive on behalf of the 8 million who died"* -Brave local woman

2019-11-17 16:32:43 UTC  

It was actually only 80 million

2019-11-17 16:33:07 UTC  

Total casualties of ww2

2019-11-17 16:35:57 UTC  

But only ~~200,000~~ 6,000,000 matter.

2019-11-17 16:36:32 UTC  

To you?

2019-11-17 16:37:42 UTC  


2019-11-17 17:07:38 UTC  


2019-11-17 17:09:57 UTC  


2019-11-17 20:01:28 UTC  

#TooFarLeft - #CogLive
Come and join the chat! (:

2019-11-17 20:50:37 UTC  

Tell me that doesn't get your dick hard.

2019-11-17 21:45:21 UTC  

nigs fighting at walmart while holding their niglets

2019-11-17 22:13:53 UTC  

> Anti More Gun Control
why not just say less gun control, 'anti more' sounds weird

2019-11-17 22:38:44 UTC  

Oh tim.....they have been delusional for a while

2019-11-17 23:18:19 UTC  

I completely forgot this movie was even coming out...or that it's out now

2019-11-17 23:25:16 UTC  

Does being the VP have the same age requirement as President? I assume so, because it would be weird to make Moron step aside and appoint someone else when Bernie keels over.