Message from @wolfman1911

Discord ID: 563328836876632085

2019-04-04 02:57:11 UTC  

The leftists would lose and the us would gain half of Canada.

2019-04-04 02:57:26 UTC  

Maybe take over parts of Mexico.

2019-04-04 02:58:21 UTC  

Then slowly spread out across the entire continent to make a super state.

2019-04-04 02:59:14 UTC  

Restore balance by sending the remaining commies on helicopter rides.

2019-04-04 03:02:10 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat are you working atlanta yet? Matt and blonde said atlanta had a 20 person meetup

2019-04-04 03:03:19 UTC  

Well, not quite. I’ll check in with some of them because it’s the closest city with people watching the show.

2019-04-04 03:04:09 UTC  

It’ll be hard to make it though. Most of my weekends are consumed with yard work.

2019-04-04 05:24:14 UTC  

I would welcome my northern neighbors of middle canada

2019-04-04 05:25:02 UTC  

not sure why I wrote that like I was typing middle earth.....

2019-04-04 05:27:26 UTC

2019-04-04 06:12:52 UTC  

that Tim Curry is pretty spicy it'll have you going gaaaaahhhggh

2019-04-04 06:13:23 UTC  

it's really quite smashing

2019-04-04 10:22:18 UTC  


2019-04-04 10:22:27 UTC

2019-04-04 10:22:33 UTC  

This is hilarious

2019-04-04 10:22:59 UTC  

Illinois, Ohio and Michigan alone have higher population than Canada

2019-04-04 10:24:32 UTC  

Utah, Idaho, most of Nevada, and Wyoming would just reform Deseret

2019-04-04 10:26:08 UTC  

You aren't going to split up Mormon lands

2019-04-04 11:42:52 UTC  

For a professor, he seems to have a rather simplistic view of things. The yellow states are going to join, or be controlled by a country with fewer people, the blue states will join or be controlled by a country with less money. And China, or the EU? Those are the most ridiculous of all.

2019-04-04 11:46:08 UTC  

@wolfman1911 and that South would have the same population of Mexico as well

2019-04-04 11:47:40 UTC  

I don't doubt that.

2019-04-04 11:47:50 UTC  

@cap'n creamery where on earth did you find this lmao. It reads like a Russian larp

2019-04-04 11:47:55 UTC  

I just noticed Colorado got thrown in with the midwest

2019-04-04 11:48:15 UTC

2019-04-04 11:48:23 UTC  

Better split

2019-04-04 11:49:13 UTC  

Red is unlikely but my larp

2019-04-04 11:49:58 UTC  

It reminds me of how people described the Confederacy as this poor, backwards country with nothing going for it, but it was still within I think the top ten most powerful economies in the world.

2019-04-04 11:50:48 UTC  

Yeah these would all still be important economically

2019-04-04 11:50:54 UTC  

Just compared to the Union. It was still a power house

2019-04-04 11:52:07 UTC  

Not to mention, if the US split, you'd see lots of population migration before hand

2019-04-04 11:58:01 UTC  

seriously. If the US splits, I'm not staying in New York. Hell, I'm trying to figure out if it's feasible for me to get out of the state _now_ and that's not even bringing any kind of country destroying event into the mix

2019-04-04 12:02:13 UTC  

@aguyyouknow around what part of New York are you

2019-04-04 12:02:27 UTC  

I'm in Rochester area

2019-04-04 12:02:39 UTC  

so, right on Ontario, but further east than Buffalo

2019-04-04 12:24:36 UTC  

Rochester is basically Canada except you guys have weird accents

2019-04-04 12:54:55 UTC  

hey, to be fair, I'm from Ithaca

2019-04-04 12:54:57 UTC  

so I don't have the accent

2019-04-04 12:55:07 UTC  

otherwise, yes, unfortunately >.>

2019-04-04 13:58:03 UTC  

Rochester here. Garbage Plates Forever!!!!

2019-04-04 14:52:46 UTC  

@SpanishAbbey it kindof is a ruski larp. This is what I think the split will look like

2019-04-04 14:53:33 UTC  

The Colorado and Rockies will be the NCR's new border lol.