Message from @grant

Discord ID: 579742598541869057

2019-05-19 09:21:39 UTC  

she sticks out like a sore thumb

2019-05-19 09:23:16 UTC  

You're right, it isn't natural, that's why it amuzed me.
The center seat was the vacant one in the original image.
She does stand out, I'm not sure about the sore thumb though

2019-05-19 09:25:18 UTC  

"sore thumb" because it is incongruent with the rest of the scene

2019-05-19 09:25:39 UTC  

People imagine being in meeting where people yell at each other? that sounds like a horrible vacation.

2019-05-19 09:27:22 UTC  

Or people imagine being on vacation during a horrible meeting, sounds like an even better vacation

2019-05-19 10:39:52 UTC

2019-05-19 13:48:00 UTC

2019-05-19 13:48:28 UTC  

The forceps grabbed him only a moment later

2019-05-19 13:55:18 UTC  

that female baby hates whamxn and wants to keep them barefoot and pregantet in the kitchen smh #feminism ✊🏿

2019-05-19 14:07:19 UTC

2019-05-19 14:29:53 UTC

2019-05-19 14:32:21 UTC

2019-05-19 15:11:56 UTC

2019-05-19 15:15:31 UTC

2019-05-19 15:15:53 UTC  


2019-05-19 15:16:39 UTC

2019-05-19 15:19:54 UTC

2019-05-19 15:21:52 UTC

2019-05-19 16:04:08 UTC  

¿Anyone here an attorney? I need help with something...

2019-05-19 16:40:09 UTC  

Just answering that question is a billable hour.

2019-05-19 18:50:06 UTC

2019-05-19 18:50:57 UTC  

He fails to asner the question

2019-05-19 18:51:28 UTC  

Why can't a woman smash her new born with a rock. If dependency is the key factor

2019-05-19 18:52:07 UTC  

Also does that mean abortion should be illegal after 21 weeks because the baby could survive outside the womb (earliest premature is 21 weeks)?

2019-05-19 18:52:37 UTC  

Also why do they need to blow a whole in their dick, they could get a vasectamy

2019-05-19 18:52:38 UTC  

Not even in all cases. Theoretically a child can survive outside the womb at any point with the right luck and medical equipment.

2019-05-19 18:53:23 UTC  

And I don't think we should allow medical technology to determine when person hood and rights are granted to a child.

2019-05-19 18:55:06 UTC  

That was his argument, which basically would mean restricting abortions more than they are in most places

2019-05-19 18:55:23 UTC  

so his arguement is saying we should restrict abortion more in most places

2019-05-19 18:57:56 UTC  

This is what I don't understand. Stupid pro-choice people make arguments that support restricting abortion more based on what the law is in most places.

2019-05-19 18:59:38 UTC

2019-05-19 19:00:50 UTC  

based on his standard all gray and light red state needs to pass more restrictive laws

2019-05-19 19:04:01 UTC  

Also the website that made this didn't defined viability, but since we know the youngest pre-mature is 21 weeks we'll use that. So according to that map 8 states are around that and 42 need to catch up

2019-05-19 20:24:45 UTC  

Every pro-abortion argument ends with "because I want it"

2019-05-19 20:25:53 UTC  

"I don't like your rules on this highly nuanced and complicated topic, therefore if I take your rules to their logical conclusion, it ends in absurdity, so I win even though my rules taken to their absurd conclusion means 50 million dead fetuses."

2019-05-19 20:31:09 UTC

2019-05-19 20:38:57 UTC

2019-05-19 20:39:26 UTC

2019-05-19 20:43:59 UTC  

Pretty sure that's fake, @micamike45.

2019-05-19 20:47:41 UTC  

Yes the Trump tweet is fake, I don't think anyone would think the whited out tweet is real

2019-05-19 20:48:18 UTC  

It's from his pro life tweet earlier