Message from @Steven
Discord ID: 277829513604497408
@gabe_brouse Member when lulsec wasn't "hacktivist" trash
For our uniforms, can we have hats styled like the nazis in addition to the dress shirt (which is looking like navy blue based on the straw poll). Not with nazi symbols, but with our own. Not all of us are natsoc but we all seem to agree that nazi uniforms looked fucking awesome .
Normie assembly.
When confronting Antifa you have to be careful because assault is an easy charge to cath especialy if its a city with a lib mayor.
I am going to dress like antifa
No nazi shit, it's offputting to normies. Someone said something about a tie last night. Semi military with a tie and nice boots, as far as marches.
thats my uniform
Don't dress like antifa, they will spot you immedately.
@Gryph no sharp looking hat?
With a gopro and labtop 😉
Fuck yeah, wear a sharp looking hat.
oy vey
any sharp looking hats that fit with the uniform and arent nazi like you said then?
Wear that hat and you will certainly get killed
also what are the uniform pants
@fashyGoyim haven't figured out how a direct reply works here.
And probly arrested
It doesn't matter as long as we agree on colors. We don't want to get confused with antifa and arrested when countering antifa
We settled earlier on any clothes, with a yellow armband.
Just a yellow armband.
Or other bit of yellow cloth wrapped around the arm.
That doesnt seem like much of a uniform
It doesn't need to be.
I like the dress shirt, tie, and boots idea
You need to realize that a lot of people don't have the time/resources to show up in uniform.
I don't want a uniform period
Especially not now
we will @D3VNT
Simple straps of cloth can be handed out on the spot.
We're not even close to being able to manifest physically
don't worry
It's cheap, utilitarian and effective.
Your better off dressing like them and mixing in the crowd then when they get violent you can defend and go stealth
They do all-black so no
Red white and blue
armbands give off too much of a nazi vibe
That's the good thing about the armcloth, even if that's the case it can easily be lost.