Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 590990326831906836

2019-06-19 19:36:22 UTC  


2019-06-19 19:36:46 UTC  

we've gotta look out for that deus vult character

2019-06-19 19:38:36 UTC  

Why do they think Matts a Nazi?

2019-06-19 19:39:13 UTC  

maybe I just dont hear the dog whistle

2019-06-19 19:39:41 UTC  

its probably more from blonde

2019-06-19 19:39:46 UTC  

I guess if you recognize that Jews wield their victim status better than any other group, you must also be a fellow nazi

2019-06-19 19:40:52 UTC  

a lot of those dudes are spergs on the spectrum, and if you say one thing that goes counter to the mainstream on jews, then they think your /ourguy

2019-06-19 19:41:39 UTC  

everything has to be in categorical boxes; there cannot be any sliding scales.

2019-06-19 19:41:57 UTC  

I've noticed a lot of them are thin skinned as fuck as well

2019-06-19 19:42:22 UTC  

You have to use kid gloves more than with most lefties or they start frothing at the mouth

2019-06-19 19:42:23 UTC  

its just like how sjws are thin skinned as well

2019-06-19 19:42:31 UTC  

they havent had any views challenged

2019-06-19 19:42:41 UTC  

well that's why a lot of people think they're like SJWs same behavior, different boogeyman

2019-06-19 19:42:41 UTC  

lol so true

2019-06-19 19:43:03 UTC  

right. -insert vee's horseshoe theory rant-

2019-06-19 19:43:06 UTC  

they hated that

2019-06-19 19:43:22 UTC  

They don't seem to understand that there are multiple axes of measurement

2019-06-19 19:43:26 UTC  

which i bet goes back to things having to be in categorical boxes

2019-06-19 19:43:54 UTC  

And along snowflakery and opposition to western values most of em seem to be 2/2 with tumblrites

2019-06-19 19:44:22 UTC  

This is also why I'm really not worried about an evil righty takeover

2019-06-19 19:44:33 UTC  

I've seen the bogeyman and he is hilarious

2019-06-19 19:45:15 UTC  

lol they'd sperg out

2019-06-19 19:50:02 UTC  

The left can milk them though, so they aren't harmless. Thats why Richard Spencer still has twitter.

2019-06-19 20:16:17 UTC  

That Bodhi thing was amazing. It still makes me laugh that the thing he sperged out at me about was suggesting that the word 'engineer' in the context of diseases implies something a lot more clinical than medieval folks would have access to.

2019-06-19 20:17:24 UTC  

Maybe you’re just not smart enough to understand why you were so wrong

2019-06-19 20:17:30 UTC  


2019-06-19 20:20:14 UTC  

"Let’s start with some number magic. Number magic is based on the occult knowledge that every number in this material matrix is a cosmic energy that vibrates at a specific frequency serving a specific function within the matrix."

2019-06-19 20:20:53 UTC  

If you can handle the truth

2019-06-19 20:23:42 UTC  

What is that quotation from?

2019-06-19 20:23:58 UTC  

Bodhi's blog, probably

2019-06-19 20:24:10 UTC  

top gun

2019-06-19 20:24:28 UTC  

I saw some occult stuff in there, couldn't be bothered to read any of it

2019-06-19 20:24:29 UTC  

I think

2019-06-19 20:27:06 UTC  

yeah his blog

2019-06-19 20:27:57 UTC  

Maybe that is it, @amlam. Maybe he learned history from Wolfenstein: The New Order, and thus thought it wasn't that hard to believe for people in the middle ages to make things like viruses, considering that Jews made power armor hundreds or thousands of years ago.

2019-06-19 20:49:20 UTC  

You just need to think outside the box

2019-06-19 20:53:10 UTC  

I love that picture.

2019-06-19 21:02:16 UTC  

Really makes you think

2019-06-19 21:02:20 UTC  


2019-06-19 21:03:14 UTC  

But he was telling (((us))) the TRUTH

2019-06-19 21:15:16 UTC  

What a conspiracy theory, to honestly think Israel is run by Jews, such unbelievably imaginative paranoia