Message from @pokemon_fetish

Discord ID: 610354233262342144

2019-08-12 05:29:49 UTC  


2019-08-12 05:29:56 UTC  

But shit like that.

2019-08-12 05:30:46 UTC  

cuz if its a confession of a crime, thats one thing. but if its "i play call of duty and kill ppl in it all the time", then lol shes a nutter

2019-08-12 05:31:14 UTC  

er well, nuttier than what she already said about video games

2019-08-12 05:31:28 UTC  

They will go after the creators of video games next, this is really sad

2019-08-12 05:31:46 UTC  

this is what they wanted to do in the 90s with mortal kombat

2019-08-12 05:31:56 UTC  

government oversight of entertainment

2019-08-12 05:32:12 UTC  

and that cant end well

2019-08-12 05:33:55 UTC  

I don't remember where I heard this, but some game was going to be released in China. (I forget the title) But the government said the had to turn the red blood to blue and change some of the 3D models to get it approved

2019-08-12 05:34:06 UTC  

yo on a side note, i just found out that windows has emojis...

2019-08-12 05:34:15 UTC  

press Windows key + :

2019-08-12 05:34:51 UTC  

Just look at the issue between Honk Kong, China, and the extradition bill.

2019-08-12 05:34:52 UTC  

oh sweet didn't know that

2019-08-12 05:35:12 UTC  

lol yea i went to lock my comp, which is windows + L, but missed the key and hit :

2019-08-12 05:35:25 UTC  

china is always censorious tho

2019-08-12 05:35:38 UTC  

and we musnt become like them

2019-08-12 05:36:11 UTC  

They're CommieScum for a reason.

2019-08-12 05:37:27 UTC  

@Big T Just tried it in another text editing app and it worked there as well. Was thinking it might be a discord thing but nope

2019-08-12 05:48:33 UTC  

yea i thought the same thing at first.

2019-08-12 05:48:36 UTC  

pretty neat tho

2019-08-12 06:09:49 UTC

2019-08-12 06:10:21 UTC  


2019-08-12 06:10:35 UTC  

Is that how Mandatory is doing it?

2019-08-12 06:10:52 UTC  


2019-08-12 06:31:09 UTC  

Mfw it looks like a mullet and then you realize it's wild neck hair...

2019-08-12 06:32:53 UTC  

it's a rat tail made of pubes

2019-08-12 06:36:32 UTC  

I get it, he has some different ideas and such but is it really necessary to insult the way he looks. Would you go around to people in the streets giving them a critique on the way they are dressed or look? I would hope not, so why do it here?

2019-08-12 06:37:58 UTC  

He has ideas?

2019-08-12 06:38:45 UTC  

To be fair, mullets should have stayed back in the 70's where they belong.

2019-08-12 06:39:07 UTC  

I riff on Mandatory cause I love the dude

2019-08-12 06:39:21 UTC  

I am hoping he riffs back

2019-08-12 06:41:45 UTC  

If he asked me to stop

2019-08-12 06:42:45 UTC  

I'm sorry, it's really none of my business. I just find personal attacks distasteful, attack his ideas or what he says ok, but thats hitting below the belt in my opinion.

2019-08-12 06:43:57 UTC  

Your balls are probably pretty small

2019-08-12 06:44:47 UTC  

You will never know, I don't go gay

2019-08-12 08:06:38 UTC  


2019-08-12 08:17:12 UTC  

Eid whatever is a Muslim holiday

2019-08-12 08:39:23 UTC

2019-08-12 08:39:37 UTC