Message from @Leman Russ
Discord ID: 615036561968463873
That's amazin
Looks sweet with the bluing.
Handle is gluing up tonight so I should be able to get it done Monday. :-)
Tricolors are the bomb. Ours got her mom's border collie coat so it's a lot shorter than most Aussies.
Sjw's and anti-semites
-hate people who wear hats
-think that the hated group wields extreme political power
... There's gotta be more similarities out there, help me out guys
I believe you mean
"Help me out goys"
Ah yes, I've been corrected, sorry for the mistype
- call them crafty and ergo evil
-have big noses
- tend towards authoritarian
- worship an invisible old man in the sky
Err you know what I mean
-- Are you assuming god's gender.. gasp.. lol
Where the blackfaces at?
Could we get some representation pls
Nothing clever to say here. Just cow shark
I hope there are no chinese scientists in this group.
@Avald should be an Indian shitting on the beach. That's their signature move
i think they tried to not be racist, by putting a black guy there
Rainbow flag is now a white supremacist symbol. Skittles said so
I'd just like to say for the record I have no information that could lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton