Message from @onoderaSecurity
Discord ID: 453357608607285248
what the fuck
Hory shit
delete this partner, or i'm banishing you to bee movie 2
How big is the banana <:iosthink:328535776843268105>
You cant just use a banana for scale
Size can differ with each uniquely grown banana
It's an Imgur meme
The image hosting site grew a massive community after they allowed account creation and comments plus a voting system
The public upload section turned into what you can call a feed
It was closer tto 4chan than Reddit except with internet points
And they had this meme where people would compare anything to a banana for scale
Like the smallest violin in the world
But also the size of the largest sun in the known universe in bananas
but a meme has to be entertaining first :(
It was entertaining to them I never went there I only know this in an attempt to acquire all knowledge of the world.
Wow uh that's small
so anyone has any fucking information on this piece of shit?
seems really interesting
why bother
just buy cloud iis or takstar pro92s with a mic
I'm all the more interested since info is nonexistant
I know neckass @Droidbot
or just buy good headphones damn
the info you're looking for is in the orient
have fun and pack Google translate
but I'm interested in this pair because there seems to be no reviews or anything
and the fact that the price is pretty high is also interesting
Xiaomi sell them for 350yuan
By the looks of it the high price is influenced by the active noise cancelling feature
103 chink reviews
i wonder if you can turn off the rgb light
m0 touch screen is so tiny for my sausage fingers
r o l l e d o f f b a s s
Looks like my favourite kind of girls
Now put it in an iem please
i read the graph wrong