Message from @HEKTIK
Discord ID: 453476266125819904
By the looks of it the high price is influenced by the active noise cancelling feature
103 chink reviews
i wonder if you can turn off the rgb light
m0 touch screen is so tiny for my sausage fingers
r o l l e d o f f b a s s
Looks like my favourite kind of girls
Now put it in an iem please
i read the graph wrong
the subbass isn't completely flat
ya its got no sub bass
fucking perfect midrange tho
From 95 to 70 for **sub bass**
u cant read numbers so good i see
That JBL neck speaker
why do you see penises in everything
>personal speaker
No such thing. Speakers by definition aren't personal because anyone can close enough can hear them
Anyone who knows how you can switch between playing from different bluetooth speakers easily on android
what I do right now is breaking the connection between them
cant you do anything simpler?
There's an option in the drop down status bar for me to change the audio out
wat i dont get that, what phone do you have?
op3t on oreo
I have that too
So it's not only on oxygen os?
Think, aosp based roms have it
I'm on oxygen too