Message from @Nucleon

Discord ID: 629772947363725322

2019-10-04 18:45:51 UTC  


2019-10-04 19:17:24 UTC  

I snagged this from Stilettos And Shotguns' Facebook page;

2019-10-04 19:23:51 UTC  

BTW, I know the difference between clip and magazine.
I do THAT to piss off the same sort of *'people'* who say *"assault is an act not a thing,"* then turn around and call me a liar for defining assault weapons on a scientifically provable basis, because (I shit you not) I don't say *'intermediate cartridge.'* 🀣🀣🀣🀣
Both camps have thier infiltrators... πŸ˜’

2019-10-04 19:45:00 UTC  

Well, I want to ban military assault-style rail guns.

2019-10-04 19:45:24 UTC  

I want to ban assault vehicles

2019-10-04 19:45:50 UTC  

Let's ban energy weapons

2019-10-04 19:48:35 UTC  

No, you'll have to kill me and my dog before you take my military grade assault laser

2019-10-04 19:49:21 UTC

2019-10-04 19:50:20 UTC  

Ok, I admit it Bodhi, that made me laugh.

2019-10-04 19:50:26 UTC  

You do have a sense of humor.

2019-10-04 19:53:18 UTC  

Why the hate for energy weapons?

2019-10-04 19:54:23 UTC  

Because, no one needs to own a Veron-T Disruptor

2019-10-04 19:54:35 UTC  

You are aware of that our most powerful planet based laser is call the β€œlaser broom” its designed to evaporate space debris before it collides with iss or satellites

2019-10-04 19:55:06 UTC  

Correct, I have a need to own more than one.

2019-10-04 19:55:57 UTC  

You have a god given right to own as many energy weapons as you want 😀

2019-10-04 19:56:12 UTC  

Honestly, that was the most hilariously stupid line in Star Trek TNG... You'll ban a weapon that vaporizes human flesh, only because it does it painfully.... because if you allow a weapon that vaporizes regular people with less pain, it's less bad...

2019-10-04 19:56:33 UTC  

END RESULT: You're still dust.

2019-10-04 20:03:09 UTC  

Star trek is a silly show. The idea that a society with the ability to literally generate matter from energy finding it immoral to uplift primitives is fucking ridonculous.

2019-10-04 20:04:21 UTC  

Nobody is going to exploit them, what would be the point? It's just a cruelty to leave them in the dirt when you can manufacture fucking infinite everything for them

2019-10-04 20:10:57 UTC  

Excellent point, why would a post-scarcity society want to exploit a primitive society?

2019-10-04 20:12:51 UTC  


2019-10-04 20:12:54 UTC  

Just for funsies, presumably

2019-10-04 20:14:43 UTC  

well as far as star trek goes ya can make everything under the sun with a replicator, still need the raw fuel or what not to power the machines as well, so slave labor is always useful, hence the Cardasian occupation. though also for the Prime Directive point, its not a good idea to give people who don't even know space is a thing potential nukes

2019-10-04 20:17:20 UTC  

You can get fuel from the sun and gas giants, and IIRC their labor was done by robots which don't get tired, don't need food (except the fuel which they're scooping or gathering from the sun,) and don't die

2019-10-04 20:18:20 UTC  

Also, don't give them nukes, just maybe give them vaccines since you know you have an infinite number of them and tell them that certain things will no longer be okay or they'll stomp their feeble governments out

2019-10-04 20:18:42 UTC  

Oh and also tell the natives anywhere you go that nah you aren't gods

2019-10-04 20:18:43 UTC  

Yes because giving the world vaccines worked so well for whites

2019-10-04 20:18:57 UTC  

we now have 7 billion nogs

2019-10-04 20:19:12 UTC  

There is an infinite amount of space mate that's retarded

2019-10-04 20:19:25 UTC  

Who cares how many people there are when you can replicate infinite food

2019-10-04 20:19:44 UTC  

will concede the point on the automated fuel harvest, but if on the outskirts or other such distant area could certainly still use slave labor if ya have no morals against it

2019-10-04 20:19:56 UTC  

>implying food is the only reason not to have 7 billion savages

2019-10-04 20:20:20 UTC  

bruh moment

2019-10-04 20:20:20 UTC  

There is no possible threat any amount of savages could have on a type two civilization

2019-10-04 20:20:38 UTC  

as far as giving them vaccines and what not, i mistook ya and thought ya meant just give them replicators, since they'd need power sources that'd be the potential nukes

2019-10-04 20:20:58 UTC  

Your worries in the galaxy of a multi star spanning civilization are nonexistent

2019-10-04 20:21:05 UTC  


2019-10-04 20:21:34 UTC  

and as for the telling them to not think of you as a god, doesn't matter how often you say it, if you come from beyond conceivable thought with the powers of life and death your gonna be a god

2019-10-04 20:21:42 UTC  

That's fair, but those people wouldn't follow the prime directive anyway

2019-10-04 20:22:34 UTC  

And maybe giving the primitives communicators or some shit to be like "hey federation we're getting enslaved pls to halp" seems like a better decision than just tossing your hands up

2019-10-04 20:23:41 UTC  

I dunno, I think some would still view the futuristic people as gods but i doubt it would catch on like it seems to every other time some fuckwit goes on a jaunt across a primitive society and just doesn't say anything