Message from @JoJo, Kомик

Discord ID: 647860772655071232

2019-11-23 17:57:22 UTC  

Okay Charlie.

2019-11-23 17:57:43 UTC  

So supporting a law makes you an authoritarian?
I didn't think your argument could get weaker than it was

You do realize the left supports way more laws than that

2019-11-23 17:58:08 UTC  

Lol. You're SO disingenuous...

2019-11-23 17:58:11 UTC  


2019-11-23 17:58:19 UTC  
2019-11-23 17:58:22 UTC  

The left wants to take away your right to say most of the words you just called me
The right doesn't
The right wants you to be able to be as much of an idiot as you want

2019-11-23 17:58:23 UTC  


2019-11-23 17:58:53 UTC  

>liberals are the real rightists

2019-11-23 17:59:06 UTC  


2019-11-23 17:59:27 UTC  

Or else

2019-11-23 17:59:38 UTC  


2019-11-23 17:59:55 UTC  

You have to be trolling
You can't honestly use this type of logic in your head and think this through more than you have in the last 15 minutes
And still believe in it

2019-11-23 18:00:57 UTC  

Just keep repeating that line.

2019-11-23 18:01:19 UTC  

It'll make mindlessly parroting Charlie Kirk less retarded.

2019-11-23 18:01:24 UTC  


2019-11-23 18:05:46 UTC  

This is the whole point of the two terms, to get people arguing about what they mean endlessly

2019-11-23 18:06:03 UTC  

or at least, the point of being inundated with them

2019-11-23 18:06:52 UTC  

When words mean nothing

2019-11-23 18:07:01 UTC  

They can mean anything you want bebe

2019-11-23 18:07:08 UTC  


2019-11-23 18:07:24 UTC  

Your argument is that words mean what they mean by definition
I directly showed you the definition saying one side supports state control
The other side supports limited government
Then you say the words I've read with my eyes don't mean what they mean

Your arguments are:

*It's true because how it was defined in the 1700's*

*It's true because it's true*

*It's true because you're dumb*

*Its true because words have definitions... just not the ones in the dictionary*

*It's true because you're brainwashed*

*I don't have to prove my point, you must prove me wrong*

*It's true because you're just a filthy [REDACTED]*

I have enough faith in humanity still to believe you either have to be trolling
Or else our education system has failed us tremendously

2019-11-23 18:09:05 UTC  

If you believe in Amer school system it is you who have failed.

2019-11-23 18:09:16 UTC  


2019-11-23 18:14:21 UTC  

Well I said they're failing us

2019-11-23 18:14:38 UTC  

For people like this to think what they're saying constitutes logical argument

2019-11-23 18:15:51 UTC  
2019-11-23 18:16:11 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик my eyes are a bit scuffed right now. I read "failed u"

2019-11-23 18:16:35 UTC  

Point stands however to whomever believes in it.

2019-11-23 18:19:15 UTC  

> I directly showed you the definition saying one side supports state control
Of the economy. Try reading your own source.
> The other side supports limited government
See above.
> Then you say the words I've read with my eyes don't mean what they mean
Ironically enough, you're the one saying that.

> It's true because how it was defined in the 1700's
And more specifically because you presented zero evidence it's changed.

> It's true because it's true
So you're arguing your baseless assertion is true... because it's untrue? That explains a lot.

> It's true because you're dumb
Never said that once. Though you seem intent on proving you are stupid.

> Its true because words have definitions... just not the ones in the dictionary
Literally the exact opposite of what I said. That is, interestingly enough, your position.

> It's true because you're brainwashed
Yup. Something you continue to reaffirm.

> I don't have to prove my point, you must prove me wrong
Lol. Again, you falsely accusing me of what you're doing.

> It's true because you're just a filthy [REDACTED]

> I have enough faith in humanity still to believe you either have to be trolling
> Or else our education system has failed us tremendously
So because you're a pathological liar... I'm trolling...? I don't think you know what that word means...

2019-11-23 18:20:04 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик
Lol. The irony.

2019-11-23 18:20:09 UTC

2019-11-23 18:32:24 UTC

2019-11-23 18:33:06 UTC  

Enjoy getting smothered by Shaniqua, alone in the nursing home.

2019-11-23 18:33:31 UTC  

Lol. Imagine living a life as meaningless as a shitlib boomer.

2019-11-23 18:33:51 UTC  

And I agree with you that we don't need to argue about the meaning of words @TheCompanyMan

The argument on my side was that you shouldn't try to tell people "you guys should all adopt my meaning because mine is correct and you guys are all stupid"
Especially when like, 90% don't agree with your definition of a word

It's like, words are defined in the dictionary when the people that write them go and poll people on what they think a word means
So, whatever the majority states is the meaning becomes the meaning
So the majority opinion literally defines the word

Even if that weren't true, I see no reason why trying to show off your mental superiority to everyone else because you're one of the minority privileged to the TRUE meaning of a word is somehow important or meaningful for you to do

2019-11-23 18:34:41 UTC  

@JoJo, Kомик
Lol. That wasn't your argument at all, you disingenuous cuck.

2019-11-23 18:35:30 UTC  

You still have yet to prove many, let alone most, let alone 90% of people agree with your neocon bullshit.

2019-11-23 18:35:31 UTC

2019-11-23 18:35:32 UTC

2019-11-23 18:35:43 UTC  

Honestly this.

2019-11-23 18:45:20 UTC