Message from @RuRu

Discord ID: 648251943679950891

2019-11-24 19:32:27 UTC  

The comic is saying if a country is a functioning NBA team then when a ton of immigrants show up it goes from a functioning NBA team to a bunch of guys at a cocktail party and not doing NBA stuff I guess?

2019-11-24 19:32:44 UTC  

You're really caught up on there being a team.

2019-11-24 19:32:57 UTC  

I think NBA players is just used to mean "tall people"

2019-11-24 19:33:12 UTC  

Since they're an extreme outlier that isn't controversal.

2019-11-24 19:33:22 UTC  

It works if they're a bunch of players from different teams.

2019-11-24 19:33:47 UTC  

Your conclusions might be right, but I'm just saying they're not drawn from the comic.

2019-11-24 19:34:09 UTC  

I like this comic because its wholesome on the surface and contradictory if you think about it, thats all.

2019-11-24 19:43:55 UTC  

It's comparing things from an analogy in a way that they can't be compared.

2019-11-24 19:44:01 UTC  

Average height doesn't affect anything

2019-11-24 19:44:20 UTC  

increasing the average of people willing to work under the table for cash does affect the economy.

2019-11-24 19:46:43 UTC  

and it's only an arithmetic fallacy if you assume millions of people added to the economy won't affect the job market

2019-11-24 19:46:53 UTC  

Which even if you're the most lefty of left would be very smooth brained.

2019-11-24 19:55:13 UTC

2019-11-24 19:55:14 UTC

2019-11-24 19:55:21 UTC  

Womb tattoos: Yes or no?

2019-11-24 19:55:53 UTC  

It's the penis that concerns me more

2019-11-24 19:57:14 UTC  

Definitely go with the tattoos. It's the little details that hold everything together.

2019-11-24 19:59:19 UTC  

Make way Matt, I found your dream girl

2019-11-24 19:59:51 UTC  

man eyes so far apart I can see her cranial cavity

2019-11-24 20:00:08 UTC  

It's like if Venti had her face squashed a bit

2019-11-24 20:01:47 UTC

2019-11-24 20:12:23 UTC  

"Heat does matter but even if it was uniform there would still be atmospheric pressure."

2019-11-24 20:12:41 UTC  

Not if it's uniform at space temperatures, then every single gas in our atmosphere would be solid.

2019-11-24 20:12:55 UTC  

What is "space temperatures"?

2019-11-24 20:13:06 UTC  

i.e., remove the sun

2019-11-24 20:13:07 UTC  

Vacuum doesn't have a temperature.

2019-11-24 20:13:46 UTC  

But I suppose you're right that if it was so cold that everything frozen density would be more uniform even if pressure wasn't.

2019-11-24 20:14:10 UTC  

Right, which is why gas pressure depends on some internal energy in the mass.

2019-11-24 20:14:22 UTC  

gotta have some, or you get a solid.

2019-11-24 20:14:44 UTC  

To answer your question though, cold side of the moon is -173C

2019-11-24 20:15:07 UTC  

@MechMage the vacuum does sort of have a temperature, the color temperature of the CMBR.

2019-11-24 20:15:23 UTC  

Sure, but that has more to do with the gaseous state depending on heat than pressure only existing because of heat.

2019-11-24 20:15:32 UTC  

Even solids experience pressure.

2019-11-24 20:15:51 UTC  

Only if there is a force pressing on them.

2019-11-24 20:16:17 UTC  

Yeah obviously.

2019-11-24 20:16:52 UTC  

Solids experience pressure, but they don't contribute

2019-11-24 20:17:14 UTC  

Anyway nothing in space will naturally be colder than about 3K because the CMBR will heat them to that temperature.

2019-11-24 20:17:28 UTC  

So there's always a little bit of heat to provide gas pressure.

2019-11-24 20:17:36 UTC  

They absolutely contribute.

2019-11-24 20:17:56 UTC  

It's probably saying too much to say nothing though, because we don't know if there aren't exotic forms of matter that don't interact with microwaves.

2019-11-24 20:18:11 UTC  

Dirt that's deeper under ground is at a higher pressure than dirt closer to the surface for example.