Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 671370679719034880

2020-01-27 14:40:46 UTC  

That’s awesome

2020-01-27 14:41:15 UTC  

All I saw was fascesTN and a thumb of Hitler

2020-01-27 14:43:24 UTC  

Yea. Easy mistake. But maybe I'm a fascist, just not a soopreemist. Maybe it's all a larp.

2020-01-27 14:43:47 UTC  

Lmao wops are black confirmed

2020-01-27 14:46:17 UTC  

@Make Jerusalem Christian Again
Maybe you're an inbred quadroon.

2020-01-27 14:49:11 UTC  


2020-01-27 14:50:50 UTC  


2020-01-27 14:51:27 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist octaroon at most.

2020-01-27 14:52:11 UTC  

And inbred? Idk. Looking at how all my cousins turned out, that's a distinct possibility lmao

2020-01-27 14:54:36 UTC  

@A. Spader
Nothing wrong with that picture.

2020-01-27 14:55:31 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist they're one off properly doing the political compass

2020-01-27 14:56:07 UTC  

They need to move them around a bit

2020-01-27 15:04:50 UTC  

@Make Jerusalem Christian Again what would a facist non ethnostate look like?

2020-01-27 15:05:15 UTC  

Never heard of that combo before

2020-01-27 15:05:57 UTC  

Nonsense, obviously.

2020-01-27 15:07:03 UTC  


2020-01-27 15:07:12 UTC  
2020-01-27 15:07:15 UTC  

But America has always been ethnically retarded, since the mid 18th century. So if it balkanized, there'd be several nations form.

2020-01-27 15:07:18 UTC  

It would look bad

2020-01-27 15:07:23 UTC  

Fascism is literally CivNat faggotry.

2020-01-27 15:09:51 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist perhaps. Mussolini led a multiethnic state, but had demographic controls. An argument could be made for the same under Franco and Pinochet.

2020-01-27 15:10:27 UTC

2020-01-27 15:11:55 UTC  


2020-01-27 15:12:02 UTC  


2020-01-27 15:12:04 UTC

2020-01-27 15:12:08 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist Hitler had the only actual explicit ethnostate. The Japs were defacto, but if it had lasted if they had won the war is up in the air with how much they were intermixing with Koreans and Chinese. Depending.

2020-01-27 15:13:41 UTC  

The Japs would have made the koreans and chinese second class citizens if they didn't decide to kill them all based on how jap supremist they are

2020-01-27 15:16:33 UTC  

That's possible. They never had anything like the Nuremberg laws, so idk.

2020-01-27 15:18:14 UTC  


2020-01-27 15:18:42 UTC  

Every country prior to the 60's was an "ethnostate."

2020-01-27 15:19:15 UTC  

What about Antarctica

2020-01-27 15:35:16 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist non empires. Austria Hungary wasn't in 1914 lol.

2020-01-27 15:42:31 UTC  

I mean... kind of.

2020-01-27 15:49:42 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist lol, like anything like this, it depends on where you want to draw lines. It didn't act like an ethnostate, so whatever.

2020-01-27 15:49:47 UTC

2020-01-27 15:50:06 UTC  

Watching an omelette video, and muh old white dudes throwing out hate symbols.

2020-01-27 15:53:15 UTC  

Imagine making a french faggottry dish and not eating your eggs raw like rocky balboa

2020-01-27 15:54:41 UTC  

Ok, alcoholic.

2020-01-27 15:55:54 UTC  

@FitnessByHeatherHeyer whatever man. Frogs can cook.