Message from @RoadtoDawn

Discord ID: 485970893059784704

2018-08-29 21:52:00 UTC Crunchyroll has joined the latest slew of companies looking to "get woke and go broke." So, time to air some of CR's dirty laundry.

2018-08-30 16:58:57 UTC  

His reaction is so damn hilarious. I wish it were CNN that reported this instead

2018-08-30 16:59:11 UTC  

I think the Young Turks has a video on it

2018-09-01 11:56:19 UTC  
2018-09-03 00:16:53 UTC  

This is what you get when you comment on a Democrat's pledge to vote by saying you'll be voting, but not democrat

2018-09-03 00:24:32 UTC  

Haha you slightly set yourself up for that, but no more than the kind of jokes we use on Matt. If they think that's some kind of actual burn that's hilarious lol

2018-09-03 00:26:04 UTC  

On second thought, that's actually creepy on their part. Because thats suppose to be "bro humor" and theyre just making it weird

2018-09-03 00:26:12 UTC  

that's also a month old tweet

2018-09-03 00:26:23 UTC  


2018-09-03 00:26:53 UTC  

and I care deeply about my penis for the record

2018-09-03 00:28:51 UTC  

I made it angry

2018-09-03 00:34:49 UTC  

There's gotta be a disorder for those who have ten words in their twitter name. Some kind of cancer...

2018-09-03 00:48:06 UTC  

The man is beyond saving. Stick a fork in it

2018-09-03 00:51:44 UTC  

I don't think he's going to have his awakening like I anticipated. Someone in the live chat on Wednesday referenced a very wise quote by Nick Fuentes: you can't force feed red pills. These people live in an alternate reality that is permanently ingrained in their neurology. They're beyond hope.

2018-09-03 00:53:07 UTC  

This scenario will be repeated again and again, and the families of each victim will call for the same ostensible "balance" and "kindness"

2018-09-03 00:53:39 UTC  

Thanks to "men" like Rob Tibbetts, this will play out over and over

2018-09-03 00:58:37 UTC  

this line in particular activated my almonds

2018-09-03 00:58:38 UTC  

"My stepdaughter, whom Mollie loved so dearly, is Latina. Her sons — Mollie’s cherished nephews and my grandchildren — are Latino. That means I am Hispanic. I am African. I am Asian. I am European. My blood runs from every corner of the Earth because I am American. As an American, I have one tenet: to respect every citizen of the world and actively engage in the ongoing pursuit to form a more perfect union."

2018-09-03 00:59:47 UTC  

That's great that you think you're a big-brained citizen of the world whose identity transcends race. Too bad everyone else doesn't, and will take advantage of your lack of commitment to your own people to subvert and destroy your country, and to kill more people in the process.

2018-09-03 02:21:39 UTC  

Its almost as if he is the radical in the family and Molly got her beliefs from him

2018-09-03 02:24:12 UTC  

Leftists will hang onto their strawman arguments and use pseudo-logic as shields, even as they're clubbed in the head with truth and left for dead

2018-09-03 17:54:15 UTC  

Honestly the primary thing that bugged me about that article was "please don't include us in your politics, now here's my politics you bigots"

2018-09-03 17:58:50 UTC  

I sympathize with the guy. It's gotta be rough to lose your kid in such a violent and senseless way. He probably thinks people are fucking with Hispanics because of him, and that's probably not a great feeling either. It sucks that he's responding to this by doubling down on bullshit though

2018-09-03 18:00:26 UTC  

There is a bridge already, people are swimming over the river instead of taking it. There's both a practical and empathetic reason to be against that

2018-09-04 21:55:38 UTC  

Well, what do we have here

2018-09-04 22:02:50 UTC  

You don't say

2018-09-05 00:13:10 UTC  

Sorry if someone already shared this, but it's like the left decided today to go pants shittingly retarded