Message from @SpanishAbbey

Discord ID: 547957403174305792

2019-02-20 22:27:30 UTC  

It’s like they don’t understand that it’s satire.

2019-02-20 22:28:33 UTC  

Sometimes something from a satire site can get cropped and go viral or something, but this is like pre-emptively ruining jokes

2019-02-20 22:31:05 UTC  

They also do this for the onion

2019-02-20 22:31:23 UTC  

I should work at snopes

2019-02-20 22:31:47 UTC  

I can just point out that satirical news isn't real

2019-02-20 23:33:27 UTC  

i pray to allah that there is justice in the world πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ

2019-02-20 23:53:18 UTC  

a recent share from my family

2019-02-20 23:53:30 UTC  

something to further scare us.

2019-02-20 23:53:37 UTC  


2019-02-20 23:53:59 UTC  


2019-02-20 23:54:12 UTC  

is it weird that i don't care?

2019-02-20 23:54:48 UTC  

"Oh look. one of many domestic terrorist attempts that have been"

2019-02-20 23:54:53 UTC  

"I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth"
Can people stop stealing my ideas.........

2019-02-20 23:55:08 UTC  

No, Shadows.

2019-02-20 23:55:20 UTC  

You can't be hogging all the good dreams.

2019-02-20 23:55:27 UTC  


2019-02-21 01:47:12 UTC  

It's happening!

2019-02-21 01:52:02 UTC  


2019-02-21 01:54:24 UTC  

Why was he even on the show. sounds like his plan was just to try and dunk on Tucker

2019-02-21 01:54:44 UTC  

Tucker took the L for that one.

2019-02-21 01:56:08 UTC  

yeah, but this is why people like dave rubin won't have on sam seder. All Sam would do is try and spend the whole time attacking Dave's character. Why have a guest on who only want to attack your character

2019-02-21 01:57:03 UTC  

Idk Sam seemed to have a pretty substantive argument with Charlie Kirk....

2019-02-21 01:57:35 UTC  

I've tried watching Sam he spends a lot of time playing the attack on character. Plus charlie kirk isn't much better

2019-02-21 01:57:40 UTC  

Tucker had every opportunity to slam the "most American's favor a 70, 80, 90% tax on the rich" (they don't) but instead went full retard.

2019-02-21 01:58:12 UTC  

I wonder why those specific comment got under his skin

2019-02-21 01:58:42 UTC  

There's a whole playlist with sam talking to libertarians from the one I saw he seemed to be trying(didn't seem to be attacking character in those)

2019-02-21 01:58:48 UTC  

'You're millionaire sticking up for billionaire' is where he lost it.

2019-02-21 01:59:15 UTC  

I have an idea but I want hear others opinions first without influencing it

2019-02-21 02:01:57 UTC  

I do believe that the way the audio was presented had bit of an effect on the way it was perceived. You here Bregman loud and clear and Tucker just over the wire. Otherwise, I think Tuck came off as awful

2019-02-21 02:08:08 UTC  

Tucker may have come off as awful, but the other guy just went there to be little him. or at least that bit of transcript that vox had

2019-02-21 02:08:32 UTC  

Guy sounds exactly like the kind of guy who would send me to the gulags

2019-02-21 02:09:17 UTC  

you just band wagoning, and you have money you kulak. off to the gulags

2019-02-21 02:28:23 UTC  

Hypocritical adhoms are the best adhoms

2019-02-21 02:29:41 UTC  

Not surprised this happened to Tucker though. After he started going on about ending free markets to protect free markets something like this became inevitable

2019-02-21 02:30:15 UTC  

Did you talk about it on the show already? I was planning to but I don't wanna repeat it