Message from @Euro looking for a green card

Discord ID: 548555732208058368

2019-02-22 16:25:32 UTC  

THey changed what they're saying, but they didn't change policies. They wanted minimum wage and unions to keep blacks out of jobs, they still want those things but no longer say its to keep blacks out.

2019-02-22 16:26:08 UTC  

"The Obama administration initially determined she was not a citizen and notified her family that it was revoking her passport in January 2016."

2019-02-22 16:26:27 UTC  

"Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, a person born in the U.S. to an accredited foreign diplomatic officer is not subject to U.S. law and is not automatically considered a U.S. citizen at birth. "

2019-02-22 17:08:14 UTC  

This is clearly trumps fault. lol

2019-02-22 17:12:33 UTC  

I hate TPUSA and Charlie Kirk....but this is only going to make them bigger

2019-02-22 17:14:11 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy what don’t you like about them? Too partisan?

2019-02-22 17:16:05 UTC  

Kirk likes to demonize the other side as evil....tends to make eveything a choice us v them....

2019-02-22 17:16:59 UTC  

Yeah. Way too partisan.

2019-02-22 17:17:41 UTC  

However, things like this could contribute to why he thinks like that.

2019-02-22 17:19:39 UTC  

I don't really like him either, but I like that people that don't take any bullshit and aren't afraid to defend there ideas are popping up more and more on the conservative side!

2019-02-22 17:20:15 UTC  

I think its only a matter of time till someone is killed over political beliefs....

2019-02-22 17:22:48 UTC  

That’s kind of already happened I think

2019-02-22 17:22:58 UTC  

I am sure that has already happened in some capacity.

2019-02-22 17:23:09 UTC  

you mean more often? because I remember the 2016 dallas shooting happening over political beliefs

2019-02-22 17:23:11 UTC  

In the US.....When?

2019-02-22 17:23:40 UTC  

The Republican baseball shooting would fall in that category, wouldn't it?

2019-02-22 17:23:49 UTC  

oh....I meant being a Trump supporter is going to cost someone their life

2019-02-22 17:23:55 UTC  

Although there were no casualties in the end.

2019-02-22 17:24:38 UTC  


2019-02-22 17:26:02 UTC  

Well, things will probably ramp up for the 2020 campaign.

2019-02-22 17:26:51 UTC  

I still think there will be a riot this year......over on LA

2019-02-22 17:27:00 UTC  

Steve Scalise was at deaths door.

2019-02-22 17:27:40 UTC  

If Trump wins 2020, I think some politicians will openly ask for riots. I am looking at you Maxime Waters!

2019-02-22 17:27:48 UTC  

I love how the left freaks out over a guy who sent fake bombs but ignores a guy who literally tried to murder as many republicans congressmen as possible

2019-02-22 17:28:52 UTC  

I haven't really looked into it yet, but the story about the military man planning to kill Democratic politicians and associates sounds pretty batshit crazy!

2019-02-22 17:29:03 UTC  

I expect the campaigns will be targets because Trump supporters don't gather that often, but during the campaign it will be like everyday

2019-02-22 17:30:03 UTC  

@grant They don't gather that often, because they have jobs to go to 😉

2019-02-22 17:31:47 UTC  

Also some of the campaign stops will be in places that like california, new york, chicago (MAGA country) where lefties can gather in large numbers quickly and attack trump supporters as they exit

2019-02-22 17:31:59 UTC  

or enter

2019-02-22 17:32:38 UTC  

we saw that during the 2016 election, like when in anaheim, california mexican waving democrats attacked people at trump rallys

2019-02-22 18:39:49 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy to be fair, Jesse Lee Peterson is very partisan too, but I love him.

2019-02-22 21:15:04 UTC  

when is enough enough for people in the center? when it impacts your town? you? your family? what event would bring you over your threshold of tolerance? a random conservative getting punched isn't enough for me but it did raise the question in my mind.

2019-02-22 21:18:14 UTC  

Enough for what?

2019-02-22 21:24:26 UTC  

i think once they rounded up people like Matt and such it might be to late to effectively halt the decimation of our nation but it would take that much for me to join up with some shitbird militia

2019-02-22 21:29:39 UTC  

That man is a true American

2019-02-22 21:31:07 UTC  

i'm sure whatever target he was aiming at. he missed

2019-02-22 21:31:22 UTC  

He missed a couple of times sure

2019-02-22 21:33:34 UTC  

this might of been his target