Message from @I Know a Fat Guy

Discord ID: 565216052108328990

2019-04-09 00:27:54 UTC  

but his TDS goes beyond anyone else's, he had TDS long before 2016

2019-04-09 00:28:07 UTC  

but he thinks from the ruins will emerge a liberal paradise

2019-04-09 00:28:17 UTC  

only Rosie had it before Bill

2019-04-09 00:34:39 UTC  

That's not really true, many people hated Trump before 2016, and maybe some with good reasons. But ya, never been a fan of Bill's.

2019-04-09 00:35:55 UTC  

TDS isn't just hating Trump it's an irrational all consuming hate

2019-04-09 00:41:17 UTC  

trump shitting on rosie o'donnell was hilarious

2019-04-09 00:44:31 UTC  

i loved the time they accused him of hating women and saying nasty shit about them and he replied "not all women, just Rosie"

2019-04-09 00:45:17 UTC  

eh, rosie is not a woman

2019-04-09 00:45:22 UTC  

not a fan of trump lying like that

2019-04-09 00:48:00 UTC  

if Michael Moore wants to identify as a woman named Rosie O'Donnel I don't think it's fair for us to deny him/her

2019-04-09 00:52:23 UTC  

Moore annoys me more than most anti-Trumpers because he gets MAGA completely but he's so partisan and such a sell out he supported Hillary rather than side with the people who were rebelling against the very system he claims to want to fight

2019-04-09 00:54:22 UTC  

yup, michael moore is definitely a fat lesbian

2019-04-09 02:34:09 UTC  

Don't insult fat lesbians like that

2019-04-09 02:52:58 UTC  

Rad. With you on that one, opportunity

2019-04-09 02:54:42 UTC  

And Spanish ? Why would I insult gay lesbian fat peoples ?
They just... people who i don’t be raiding kids with

2019-04-09 02:54:56 UTC  

Sorry. Raising

2019-04-09 10:55:28 UTC  

they're just people with whom i don't want to be in a car racing down the California coast after drinking Benadryl infused alcohol

2019-04-09 10:59:32 UTC  

Oh I fully agree lol

2019-04-09 11:03:47 UTC  

I wouldn't want to raid kids with them either, tbh

2019-04-09 14:56:10 UTC  
2019-04-09 16:46:48 UTC  

Wow destiny tell us how you really feel

2019-04-09 16:53:37 UTC  

AFAIK Layman hasn't been on Destiny's stream in about a year

2019-04-09 16:54:09 UTC  

If there's a more recent incident I'm willing to be corrected. The lolcow has been around for a while though

2019-04-09 16:59:15 UTC  

Could be

2019-04-09 19:35:26 UTC  

Just some guys, doing stuff

2019-04-09 19:35:36 UTC  

Boys will be boys

2019-04-09 20:03:24 UTC  

Honestly, it's a good idea for dudes. You can use it as proof that her regret isn't rape

2019-04-09 20:04:02 UTC  

Fuck that don’t give her time to think once there is some what of a ok it’s go go go

2019-04-09 20:04:08 UTC  

I hadn't thought of that angle. I mostly went "yeah, I'm sure rapists are always concerned about condom use"

2019-04-09 20:05:01 UTC  

Yeah, you can have sex and say that he wasn't drunk enough to open this puzzle

2019-04-09 21:03:49 UTC  

@I Know a Fat Guy so jar jar binks is blackface.

2019-04-09 21:05:53 UTC  

And here I thought the swine was really black!!